let's start with the sounds of home

Jul 08, 2008 01:03

I am home, comfortably perched on familiar wooden hair - (that was a typo, but perhaps I do need a finely carved chair, or at least to live inside a landbound ship with a mermaid to welcome visitors), hearing the tram clang and shuttle past, and the cars zzmz and schpsch the water on the roads and the wind force that air to move.

I like 'and'.

Was talking to Julian on the way home, interesting. I asked him a question, after talking for a while (So, these two boys in my maths class were 16. In Brisbane, no prep, year one five, etc. etc. year twelve cohort age one year etc. etc.) and after recieving no response I said - So, do you think that's a good thing, or a bad thing?

And he responded - I haven't thought about it yet.
This frustrates me: I always feel like I'm balanced on a tightrope when I talk to him because there's this PAUSE. It sums up the male idea of - think about it, then state the response - compared to the female - talk while you're thinking about it, articulate your emotional process. Perhaps generalisation, but interesting implications/conversation nothetheless.

On the flight, both I and the girl next to me were reading frankie. Inside were Frankie's rainboots! The magazine made me laugh and smile quite a bit. Another thing that made me smile today was my one hour airport-conversation with Ben. We figured out skype! So now to fix my no-wireless-phone-and-only-phone-next-to-mother problem, and hence my going $50 over my credit this month, I will purchase an extremely long (in fact it will be of mythical proportions) internet cable to wind its way up the stairs and into my room and on to my bed and into the back of my laptop and buy some skype credit and THEN I WILL BE ABLE TO CALL PEOPLE IN PRIVACY FOR ONE CENT A MINUTE.

Phew. This is a big problem, forseeably solved.

Rant over, you can continue reading now. ^^

Exchanged a few emails, and mobile numbers, and discovered the lj names of two girls (*waves*) which is always lovely. It's always crazy to meet girls who are randomly into bandom, or slash, or hg/ss (SHUT UP FLIST *grins*).
Today I had my first espresso shot on icecream. Delicious. From Campos, in Newtown, - worth the 22 hr flight from NY according to the NY Times, and Charlotte's favourite coffee bar. I don't even really like coffee. (Except at Heide the other day, they had a free one, which I volunteered to drink. It was actually delicious.)
Okay, maybe I do like coffee.
All of this coffee led to me being all MUST-JUMP-UP-AND-DOWN and laughing a lot when we were somehow locked out in the break, ADVENTURE.

The concept of flying in planes is very odd to me. Airports - places where people go to organise themselves into groups which sit in boxes which have wings and take you across the world. It sounds like a concept that someone would cut out of many magazines, stick together and make into a five minute stop animation film.

HAHAHAHAHA. Julian is here, has just said, I know what the problem is. You're crazy. ... disturbed.
tuned out for a second, now, the word weak. Hahaha.



Words, images, thoughts, articulation, emotional connection.

Sorry, I'm not presenting the full conversation. Yes.


I guess I should actually write out this entire entry to make sense/be logical. That would be the articulate, adult thing to do. WHY CAN'T I LIKE STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS THOUGH? Hmm.
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