
Apr 29, 2005 20:58

No don't worry I am not joining the drove of friends getting married THIS summer, I haven't been having a secret romance or anything. (Sometimes I wish I have though! haha) I heard something on the radio tonight that just kinda made me think differently about the whole marriage thing so I decided to spill out those thoughts on here. I don't want to seem preachy though to those who don't want to listen, so click on the link below if you want to read on.....

Tonight the speaker on the radio mentioned that in heaven, we won't be married, we'll be more like angels or rather so focused and happy and praising God that whatever happened on earth regarding marriage won't matter. We won't even think twice about it. Marriage on earth is sort of a form of practice for our relationship with Christ. which sounds weird I know, but if you think about it, we (men and women here) are called the "Bride of Christ".

It was interesting tonight because the speaker was talking about the woman's need to feel loved and the guy's need to feel respected and how that works within a relationship. The speaker talked about how important it was to honor that other person and respect them. And I agree with that. Then the speaker said something I never thought of before.....and I'll try and capture it here.

Really all that matters in this life is our relationship with Christ, honoring, loving and respecting Him. What we do for others in our relationships, is kinda a reflection of that. Meaning that we love Christ so much, and since he's called us to honor our husbands/wives that we want to be obediant to him by honoring them. Therefore building our relationship with him in heaven and strengthening our relationship with our spouses on earth. I'm probably not making sense.... but it was really kind of a profound thought. Meaning instead of being horizontally focused in our thinking about relationships (meaning about the people here on earth) we should be vertically focused on Christ and honoring Him through our actions on earth.

I know I've said the same things over and over again, but it really stuck with me and helped me to think differently about things.
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