I shall never trust Zazu again....

Apr 20, 2010 14:26

This is just a post to rant about Zazu.

I know now not to leave plastic inside Zazu or I will find it melted (I learned the hard way with tapes and then later CD cases)  but I thought a book would be safe.

So I left 'Child of the Prophecy' the third book in the Sevenwaters Trilogy on the passenger seat yesterday.  I actually considered taking into work with me, but I thought 'No, nothing will happen to it'.

I get back that arvo and the book  is in pieces!  My third favourite book of all time is in peices!

I obviously should add glue to the list of things not to leave in Zazu.

Burn my clothes, burn my bed, just don't damage my books,

Bloody Sauner of a car.   Grrr.

zazu, rant

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