May 16, 2003 02:24
hmm...what shall i talk about today? women? money? cars? sure, why not?
let's see, where do i start? women, they're evil. yes, i said it, women are evil. why? because they do things that make them evil. (gimme a break, i can't think of anything right now =P). seriously though, sometimes i can't understand them. i guess you can say they're "complicated". i'm sure most people can sympathize with me on that. women juss seem to make my life complicated. maybe not really complicated, but juss do i say it...they juss seem to make me think more than i would care to. women suck....but that doesn't mean i don't like them =D
i think i talk too much about money. but, lately, i've been hearing so much about it. money is more evil than women. i juss hate the fact that it's such a necessity. and everything seems to revolve around it. having been thinking about my future, i juss hope that i don't become of those people that work only to make money. i dunno, money is juss a thing that i constantly think about but i juss can't seem to put down in words. but there's juss one question that seems to go through my head- if you magically stumbled upon $1,000,000 what would you seriously do with it? me? i really don't know. but this week, me, jay, and one of my coworkers (not all together, i had two separate conversations and i wasn't the one that brought it up either times) were talking about the ferrari 360 modena. it's a $250,000 car. that's a lotta money. and it's juss their car. kinda makes you wonder what kinda lives these people have spending so much money on a car. although i would not really mind having the car, i don't think i can justify spending a quarter of a million dollars on one car.
so, lately, i've been talking to my coworkers about cars, it seems like the coworkers that i actually work with all know about cars. anyways, yeah, i wanna fix up my car, but there are complications. first thing is that i don't really wanna spend that much money. second thing, is the mother. she doesn't like the idea of making my car anything other than stock. i dunno. i talked to jay about this before and juss thinking about how this is motivation for me to transfer to some school where i could bring my car so i could fix it up and my mom wouldn't know. shoot, i think i'm thinking too much into this. oh and i figured that i actually spend more time washing my car than i do doing my homework. but then, i guess i don't really have that much homework this semester.
i think i should start sleeping earlier than 2. it juss doesn't seem as if i can function as well as i used to on so little sleep. and i think i should type my entries earlier in the day cause i can't think straight at night cause i'm like half asleep. but even if i were to get 7-8 hours of sleep like i do sometimes, i'm still pretty knocked out during the day. like last night, i had about 7 and a half hours of sleep, but i was knocked out on my break. sleep deprivation i guess. eh...i dunno, i'll sleep when i fall asleep.
now that my manager is gone, i really worry about our store. it juss seems as if when she was there, the store was still kinda wack. and now that she's not there and there really isn't any manager at all, it's gonna be beyond wack. and i dunno, i juss hate working with some people. sometimes, it makes me feel bad knowing that i am being associated with them because we're coworkers. some people... juss today, i was helping these two women get their coffee, and i brought it to them when they were paying at the register. now they ordered two drinks, and they were in the process of exchanging money when i put their drinks down. and then my coworker goes "oh, you ordered two of them? i only rung you up for one. oh well." so then my coworker juss takes the money and thanks the customers and they go about their business. do you see something wrong with that? now, i would have said something, but i do not have the authority to so i didn't. but i was juss wondering what was going on inside that brain. *sighs* some people...
well, i have more to put down, but i guess this is long and boring enough and i guess i'm going to sleep now. good night.