SOrprise !!!!!!!!! hApppy B-day LugO0

Oct 22, 2004 00:00

YEsterday was fun. School was great my baby was back (krista) but some girls hella started shit with her so there was all kinds of dilema about that and she had to go hme they keapt bt=rittney in the office till the middle of 7th per that is wack but things' will get better i got ur back brritney. AFter school i went with brandon out to a cofee haha i love saying that hahah but she and it was actually very nice Brandon is thiz guy that i met like 2 weeks ago and we have been talkin alot and i fnd myself having alot of things in common with thiz guy ..only friends tho i'm all about HENRY but ye athat was very nice. ahahaha after school it was hella funny cause leticia and amanda and hella ppl were chilin in the quad and stephanie maber sis iwas playing with tisha and they stated fighting and tisha droped her backpack and she had a bottle of BACAARDI 151 in her backpack and it completly shaered and it got all over her books and and she hella smaled it was hella funny i hadto cleanit out in the bathroom i hella cut my self but is all good. Tisha insted of tripin about the fact the she might get caugh or that she got it all over her backpack she was tripin about how she couldn't drinkit hahah hella funny. I came home and got ready and then i went to the game and i sat on mjc's parkinlot talkin to a couple of guys from downey that i had't seen since thiz summer and we just talked and then i had to go to my band thing so i went inside and said hi to doghii kayla triplet and other . I was late for band so dn wasn't o happy about that. BANd was fun this guy keap string at me in the stands he look really older like 22 or something so i was like wtf and he tru a peny at me trying to get my attention and i told skye and skye is like wtf dude and he is like i was just messing and i was like what ever but i ended up talkin to him he was really nice he put his number in my cell ..haha like i'm goung to call him. alot of ppl were really drunk and didnt know what the hell they were saying... when i got 3rd quater off i wen tot say hi to ppl it was cool to c alot of ppl suporting what i do. when i perform durin ghalf time wich was really bad i heard go stephany alot wich made me feel good. DRama with amber for no reason but i aing ganna trip about that. after the game i hella ran and changed in the the back of mjc it was really cold lol chris backed me with his jacket haha it was hella funny cause some dude came and started talkin shit to chris annd chirs just hella told him off and i'm siting there trying to put on a skurt hahaha. after the game i called camile and i was like dude hum i need a ride so she is like ok i'll b there and the out of no where nick apears and he is like c'mon i was like i'm wating for camile he is like i know i'm with them we r going on the van so he made me ran and we had to cross tully cause the van was on the other side of tully and it was cute he held my hand when we cross and he was tellin me ye agatta take care of u and all thiz sweet stuff. it was so much fun there was like literaly 20 ppl in the van xavire mom was driving i had to sit across thiz chick and thiz guy i was totaly conforabele but they weren't hahaha i was siting on thiz dude name angel he was really cute and he was holding me and my legs were across dsome chick dunno her but yea nick joel hella football players were on the back and we had the music on blast so they keapt dancing and it totaly was unconforable but rally fun. we got to camille's huse and there were hella prepts there . XAVIER finaly got there and we yelled sorprise it was cool i danced most of the night withsean he is a great dancer but once he was drunk ... no details...i gave xavier money to get alcohol for his b-day as a gift and he hella got some and gave me some and we ran across the street and hid under thiz pile of threes and shit and it was cool we talked hella and he was telling me hella shit and i'm like hum ok... that beer was hella nasty. I ate pizza and felt very weird fromt he beer then i talked to houston about every thing and he was really sweet we layed on the hallway and talked but i was alil' worry about amber well alot worry cause things happen at the game .. so i called and ofcourse she had something to fight with me about and said that i said something that i didn't say and i was liike ok.. the rest of the night was good i caled my mom she came to pick me up sean wouldn't let go to me hen alot of football players ateped up and were like dude back up. haha i didn't even know who they were. i wen to am pm for some nachos then dogghi keap callin me so i awnser an she told me hella shit... hum :-( no coments is all good i love he rt she is a cool friend. walter is like dud what u do u bter not ha done anything tupid i was llike ok.. so when i was getitng reasdy to watch a movie bob called me for the 5oth time and was like yyea no pary i waslike no he is like well lets' find one and he picked me up he didn't cared what i looked like he told me i looked beutiful i was like aww and we went to a perty and drank a lil' more not to much he doesn't like it when i do so i don't do it and we talked then i came home again and we just chiled there for like evr and i feal asleep and and when i woke up was 12 noon and he wasn't there ...................
herny baby it was a long night and don't t ake any of that night in consideration u know u r the one haha one love babe one love .. and one <3 !
chewy saturday night my 8 reasons!!
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