
Dec 11, 2011 23:15

Rating: slightly NC-17 (im such a poor porn writor)
Word Count: 1.653
Warnings: sexual relationship, mention of past infidelity.
Title: Stratagem
Author : de_cendres
Pairings : Eames/Arthur, mention to past Eames/Mal and current Mal/Dom.
Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine and bla bla bla.
Genre: AU -it takes place in a very long AU i planned upon infidelity-.
Summary: While Eames and Mal were young loves since their 15, Eames discovered that Mal cheated on him with Dom. Of course, they broke. But Eames decided to take revenge upon Cobb and seduced his best friend, almost his brother, Arthur.
Author note : English is not my first language and it clearly sucks. I'm really sorry. If you find any error, don't hesitate to tell me and i'll change it.

His wound was still raw. He knew that he won’t recover. He didn’t even want to recover. He wanted to get her back at any costs. Or get his revenge. But in both cases, he won’t move on. If he came to this party, it was only to get rid of his Yusuf’s insistence with whom he lived now. Or rather with whom he occupied the sofa waiting to bounce back and find a new apartment. From what he heard, searching news like a masochist, Mal moved in with Dominic Cobb. And that was probably the worst after the discovery of her infidelity itself. They had been together for four years before she finally accepted to live with him and, now, she was going to live with this type after only 6 months.
"You can’t understand. "These words continued to twist and turn in his mind."We meet only one time the love of your life. You have to throw headlong into it. "She was the love of his life he answered her. They knew each other since childhood and as long as he remembered, he had loved her. All these girls and these boys in high school only prepared him to confess his feelings to that was his best friend at this time. He knew since their first meeting that he would end his life by her side. And he still continued to believe it.

"You should slow down on the drinks."
He shot a black eye on Yusuf who was approaching him and, against his own words, offering him a new beer to replace the one he was about to finish. His only response was a shrug. He put the empty bottle next to its many sisters before starting the acre liquid.
"You have brought me to this party to make me drunk and make sure that you can get a quiet night without waking you up with me wanting to share an idea or a memory of Mal.»
"No, I brought you to this party to make you drunk and take advantage of your body while you would be too affected by the drinks to realize that my delicate hands are not those of your ex. A cruel ex without any heart and that you can’t get over, which I clearly don’t understand why. "
"For how long are you single? Yusuf, you have not the legitimacy to give me advices on relationships. "
"But what about advices on a ploy?"
Eames finally turned his head toward his friend, a questioning look on his face, but Yusuf wasn’t granting him any attention and took a sip of beer. Eames wasn’t however fooled and waited until the voltage reaches its peak and Yusuf couldn’t bear any longer for sharing his brilliant idea. He knew him too well.
"You see the guy over there?"
"That‘s it?"
At least, this made him turn his head towards Yusuf. He didn’t understand where he wanted to go. His friend shrugged and rolled his eyes before continuing as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"To get your revenge. "
Eames shook his head. Sometimes he really feared for the sanity of Yusuf. This one sighed deeply.
"Cobb has no sister, no cousin. Do we agree? "
"Thank you for reminding me but yes."
From the moment Mal left Eames for him, he had developed the crazy idea to seduce the closest person to Dom and break his or her heart to reach those who had dared to rob Mal.
"This is Cobb’s best friend. According to what I’ve heard, he even considers him as his own brother. They grew up together or something like that. "
Slowly, a smile appeared on Eames’ full lips when he turned again his attention to the young man who didn’t know for now that he will be the innocent victim of a conspiracy he knew nothing of.

The room was crowded but Eames managed to approach the young man, never leaving his gaze upon him while proceeding. He walked among the other students as a wolf hunt, a cat who was ready to attack and who was well aware of the fascination he exercised at that moment on its prey. Slowly, a charming smile stretched the mouth of the hunter while, close now, he noticed that Cobb’s best friend was way much more attractive than he originally imagined. His body was slim, long and nervous letting him imagine moments of unexpected pleasures while riding him in his deepest fantasies. The quietest was always the unexpected too. His features were regular, his eyes had a warmer color and he imagined instantaneously what it would be to wake up in front of them, his dark hair was also so thick that he just wanted to browse his calloused hands in it and his lips were a promise to sweetness and savagery.
"Good evening."
The stranger gave him a furtive glance and, despite the darkness around them, Eames caught that his cheeks became slightly pink. This deepens the self confidence of the young man. Broad gestures of the dancers made him, and in a very timely manner, come nearer to the dark-haired man, slightly bumping his chest against his. In order to find his balance again, he placed his hand on his left hip and he felt him tighten immediately.
"Sorry.” He told him in a tone that clearly indicated that he wasn’t sorry at all.
The young man said nothing and turned his attention to his own arm, lifting his wrist upon which was a beautiful watch. Eames looked at and then began a tactic he had used repeatedly and successfully: flattery.
"Oh, that's gorgeous, what is it?"
If a stare could kill, the one that gave him the young man would have murdered Eames in the second.
"That? That is beer on my arm. "
Eames cringed, a little surprised and clearly not accustomed to being welcomed by rejection. However, he gained back his self assurance pretty quickly.
"You can speak!"
Then he gave him a wink before grabbing his hand and leading him to the floor.
"We're going to clean you then."
And if along the way, he threw a bit of beer on the pants of the young man, it was obviously and completely by coincidence.

Eames was well aware of how much he was attractive. It had always been easy for him to obtain the object of his desires. So he wasn’t really surprised when the dark-haired young man followed him without flinching anymore. He knew what he was doing. The young man barely had the time to even breathe or to protest, Eames already plastered him on the door of the bathroom he had just closed behind them. If he had not developed this fantasy at first glance, he immediately wanted to taste those lips when he came nearer to him few minutes ago. And they really had this taste of paradise he had imagined a few moments earlier. The other man replied timidly at first and Eames felt his heart leap into his chest at his reaction. He finally slipped a hand through Arthur’s hair. He had revealed his name as they were climbing the stairs. Eames had hesitated to share his own but the young man didn’t react when he shared it. The other hand slid down on his back to arise in the hollow it and he closed the distance between their bodies. He felt a violent and electric shock when their cock collided and soon enough, he couldn’t stand any longer clothes separating them. And given the moan that rose from Arthur‘s mouth, he seemed to felt the exact same way.
While tongues and teeth chattered, Eames slid his hands into the waistband of his conquest, and started to get rid of the superfluous clothe, unable to prevent a huge smile on his lips when he heard a groan escaping from Arthur. He had never been feverish. Well at least since a long time. Trembling slightly, he finally broke the kiss and put his stare into the eyes now darker of the young man. He studied them a while, before let light kisses along his jaw down to the south of his perfect body he planned to discover entirely later. Then he fell on his knees and he laid his full lips against the fabric already soaked by alcohol and precome. He wrapped eagerly balls through the fabric, his own penis protesting against the narrowness of his pants at this moment, when the roughed voice of Arthur materialized with some words and not only groans. Eames felt hands trying to push him away weakly.
"No, stop. "
Eames certainly didn’t want to stop and given Arthur’s first reaction and current physical reactions, he doubted that he really meant it and wanted him to stop. This impression was confirmed by the needing cry he let escaped from his throat when Eames went slightly away. Eames raised his eyes and tried to catch Arthur’s gaze but he was obstinately looking behind them.
"If you want me to stop, you have just a word to say and I'll stop it there."
The hoarse of his voice surprised him. It was revenge and he was sticking to the plot against the one who broke his heart but he realized that he really wanted it. He really wanted this stranger he knew nothing about an hour ago. He gave him a smile to reassure Arthur about his intentions and silence fell between them, tight. Arthur glanced back at him before stroking his cheek with fear, as if he was afraid that if he touched Eames, he would disappear or otherwise become violent. Eames bent slightly his head to get more contact with the hand and smiled with victory as he felt Arthur’s hand slide behind his head, encouraging him to continue what he had started.

fanfiction, arthur/eames

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