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Slaves·to·the·Box, &
Sons·of·Krypton 8:09 PM 9/30/07 · Okay, when I was detailing out all the schedules for the Fall season I mentioned that it was odd the TV Guide didn't cover Saturday. Least to far as new stuff or continuing series. It's really odd how they list Sunday through Friday but there's no section for Saturday...unless you count the part in back with the evening programming.
The only two series I regularly follow are Saturday toons...and it really kinda sucks that I remember as a kid there being a lot of Saturday morning toons and nowadays there's not as many and they're certainly not on as many channels; worse because as a kid there wasn't any cable. The two are The Batman & Legion of Superheroes which I knew would be having new episodes soon but without the bloody TV Guide mentioning anything I kinda neglected to keep up on them.
So, when I turned to watch them this last Saturday it was with the misconception that the new seasons were starting then. Previous weeks I'd tuned into the correct channel and time and the shows had not been there. What I'd not realized was that the two shows had been moved an hour forward, they start at 11a instead of 10a.
Legion of Superheroes:
I'm not sure what's going on with Legion of Superheroes exactly, or how many episodes I missed, but it takes place a little further in the future than before. I'm not altogether sure if it takes place equally in the future as some of the team look the same and some look a little older. I did know there was going to be another Superman, who as it turns out is from even farther in the future than the show takes place and was cloned from cells of the original. His powers are a little different that the original Man of Steel too: variation of tactile telekinesis and some form of crystalling cellular growths. When things get too intense to handle the Legion goes back in time to grab the actual Superman again except this time it's the fully adult version.
He and his clone don't get along very well.
The bad guy is named Imperiex and he kinda looks like the real deal but he's very different than the comic version. In this he's trying to conquer the future, like the clone he also seems to be from much father into the future, and he's emotional. The Imperiex character is not a singular being in the comics but many. His only desire is to destroy everything, but he reacts as though it's more by design than purpose. Kinda like Galactus on crack. This animated version is very different. Still it's a good story and I really wanna see where it goes.
The Batman:
The end of last season Batman was introduced to the Justice League...though it turned out he already knew about them. This season was to have more of those characters involved. I think there's only been one other episode before the one I've seen thus far but I can't be sure. The one I did see was definitely a part 2 of something. Like in the comics, when approached, Superman refused to join the League as he felt he didn't need a team to support him. What looks like it went down in the one I missed was that Luthor took an interest in Gotham and using Batman's rogues as weapons to further his agenda. Naturally Superman got involved but using a combination of Kryptonite dust and Poison Ivy's spores, Luthor managed to take control of Superman...
...anyone that loves to see Batman & Superman fight will really wanna see this episode sometime. The fight was phenonenal! More than that, as I know a misguided number of folks do not like The Batman, preferring the much earlier Adventure of Batman for numerous reasons...these episode will take you back. The voice for Superman is identical to the one used in that series and the Adventures of Superman spinoff. A lot of the music for these episodes, around Superman anyway, are drawn from the Superman movies. It all works out nicely, as one might suspect, with Superman checking out the League's bease of operations with Batman as his guide.
Anyway, given the switch in timeslots...maybe I'll start watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles again.