9:35 AM 8/26/07 · My experience of Hugh Laurie comes largely from House and what little bits I've seen of Flight of the Phoenix. He's a great actor and, in my opinion, quirky looking. That tends to be a good mix for me...as most of the other greats are generally considered studly or handsome, or God's gift to women; least with the male ones.
Some of the women too...but let's try'n stay on topic.
I don't catch House on FOX, usually, but on USA; every Friday & Saturday evening at 11pm. There was a scheduling conflict with another show but as it's switched nights I may start watching it when the new season kicks off September 25th: House at 9pm, right after Bones at 8pm. It'll probably conflict with something else too but I'll work around that...
...this would be the one that's actually on FOX, mind.
When asked how he speaks with House's very American accent he has been known to say it's a mix of the King's English with Hungarian & Turkish. Not sure what to make of that but I laughed.
I'm really only writing this now as I happenbed to chance upon Inside the Actor's Studio and he's being interviewed. The man gives a great interview but more than that...this is the only time I've ever seen him as himself. Admittedly, to the detriment of a friendship I once enjoyed a great deal, I might've had more exposure to the man if I'd relented to
Carrie's will. Much like
Brand's obsession with Spidey, which has a similar near messiah·like complex, it was initially almost enough to scare me away from all the man's works with its intensity.
Hugh's singing right now, not sure if this is a new episode or a repeat, something he wrote himself. His singing ability, here at least, is dubious...but his lyrics are hilarious!
My apparant love of the man and his talent notwithstanding...I still think anyone that has even the desire to throw him down and shag him sill to be in need of serious therapy. Then again, I often find myself questioning the sanity of any woman that finds me even remotely attractive so make of that what you will.
9:53 AM 8/26/07 · Oh lord, one of the students in the audience asked a slash fandom question of the man. House related obviously. Much as slash warps my already wonky little brain, Hugh's answer was priceless!
They only allowed two students to ask him questions and while they were fun...I am bit bothered they were both House related and less actual acting questions. So you know, if you missed this episode, the two questions asked were these:
- Do you suppose House will ever become romantically involved with (she listed all the female regulars) or Dr. Wilson? Because, if you're not aware of this, there's been a lot of internet chatter about House & Wilson so...
- How much medical knowledge do you retain from doing the show? If you were to get food poisoning, how comfortable would you be debating treatments with your primary care physician?