OOC: Application for carriero

Sep 19, 2000 22:23

Mun information

Name: Doji
LJ: de_bel_survivor
Contact: AIM: dojikuni, Email: dojikuni@aim.com
Age/Birthdate: 18
Characters already played here: N/A

Character information
Character's Name: Kouki Wakahisa
Series: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Age: 17
Timeline: Day 6, night time
Canon Resource Link: Megami Tensei wiki page
Wikipedia section
Character History:
Kouki Wakahisa grew up in a normal family. His cousin, and brother figure, Naoya, who had lost his parents at a young age, lived with him. He attended school with two of his best friends, Yuzu Tanikawa and Atsuro Kihara. Yuzu was a friend from Kouki's childhood, while Atsuro was a computer nerd who'd met Naoya on the Internet and become his apprentice. Life was pretty normal for the teenagers, even after Naoya moved out to live on his own.

One day, near the end of the summer holidays, Naoya called up for a meeting with Kouki, Yuzu and Atsuro. His cousin didn’t turn up for the meeting, but had passed on modified COMPs, communications devices (which look like DSes) to them via Yuzu. After Atsuro cracked the security code designed by Naoya, the Demon Summoning program was activated and brought out demons, forcing the trio to fight back for their lives.

Afterward, the Tokyo Lockdown happened, locking in everyone within the Yamanote line without electricity, Internet and mobile phone access. Rations were dropped by the army and people became desperate, fighting for supplies while demons, summoned from COMPs being handed out, run rampant in the enclosed area.

While trying to survive, Kouki and his friends discovered and found out the reason behind the Lockdown. Naoya was commissioned by the Shomonkai. They’re a religious group that believes the Internet was the modern Tower of Babel, and wanted the Demon Summoning program inside the COMPs in order to face the Ordeal God will give them.

As a result, the angels were sent down to the government and ordered them to erect the Lockdown, to contain the Shomonkai, demon tamers and the demons. The government must find a way to handle the Ordeal or risk having humanity’s free will taken.

Kouki would eventually found himself drawn into a conflict between demons. The War of Bel, where powerful demons crowned with 'bel' in their name, engaged for the position and right as the King of Bel: Ruler of all demons and have the power to challenge God. They’re fragments of the demon god, Bel, after God usurped his position as an almighty being. He was the only human qualify to compete in the war, after killing Beldr with the mistletoe phone-strap. However, unknown to him, Kouki was actually a 'Bel' as well: Abel from biblical times and the first murder victim. Naoya, unlike him, was the reincarnation of Cain and retained his memories, knew this and confused Kouki, who wondered why his cousin continue to referred to them both as brothers.

It's the end of Day 6 and Kouki was approached by people he knows and hear out their proposed plans for Day 7. Become the King of Bel and wage war on God. Become the Messiah under His rule. Control the demons for humanity. Send the demons back home. Or run away from the Lockdown.

Kouki must choose one of them, or risk having everyone in Tokyo literally microwave to death, in a futile attempt to stop the demons and COMPs by the government. This choice will affect the lives of everyone in the city, and possibly the entire world, and he's considering which one is the best solution.

Until he found himself in some place unfamiliar...

At a glance, Kouki’s a nice, friendly and polite guy, albeit with a small tendency to be rather blunt, remembering his manners the majority of the time when dealing with strangers, adults and people he respects. It was with his friends that he opened up, showing that he's loves hanging out and joking around (for example, suggesting the reason Amane the maiden had beaten a guardian god was because she was a 'badass').

Occasionally, he would acted ignorant, in order to gain more information when the other person explained for him and his friends. Generally, he does this to see if there were any gaps in his assumptions from joining various leads together.

It's during the stressing and chaotic time of the Lockdown, that his will and mental strength was shown as some of his stronger traits. Despite the demons, the deaths and seeing what other people can do with a COMP in their hands, Kouki tried to not let it bring him down and make his friends, especially Yuzu, worry even more.

Despite his strong and friendly front, he kept his fears and uncertainty hidden behind it, as to not trouble his friends. He would listen to other people, but his keeps own worries to himself, unless he's talking with someone Kouki has both very close bonds with and unconditional trust. He would also place other people's wellbeing before himself.

With a COMP, Kouki can equipped up to three (3) command skills (physical or spells), three (3) passives and one (1) Auto-Skill, as long he have the strength and/or capability for the selected skills (which are based on stat requirements). He can change them to adapt to situations, as long he's not under attack. Outside of events, the COMP will be taken from him.

Skill examples included (and also Kouki’s common choices):
Diarahan - Single target, full heal. He’s not strong enough for Mediarahan (whole party/3 people, full heal) or Prayer (whole party, full heal and restore all status effects). He can use Amrita (whole party, restore all status effects) and Recarm (revive one party member to low health from KO), however.
Drain - Drains away some health and mana from single target, restores own
Holy Dance - Random, multi-hitting Almighty type spell, would hit group of enemies randomly but damaging on a single target. There are other elemental Dances he can choose from: Fire, Ice, Elec and Force (wind).
Agi/Bufu/Zio/Zandyne spells - Single target, strong elemental spell. Agi is fire, Bufu is ice, Zio is electricity and Zan is wind. Spells that starts with Ma (for example Maziodyne) means it’s an attack-all spell and used up more magic. He can equipped their weaker versions (Agi, Bufu, Zio or Zan), if there’s a need to.

Endure - Survive a fatal blow once at barely a sliver of health (1 HP) in battle.
Anti-Most - Halves damage from all attacks but physical and Almighty skills.
Fire/Ice/Elec/Force Jump - Increase elemental damage
Dual Shadow - Chance of using the skill again without extra cost. Very random.

Auto Skills - Here. His preferences are Magic Yang (halves all magic cost for everyone) or Blitzkrieg (increase physical and magic damage by 25%).

His typical skill set will be:
Holy Dance, Drain and either Diarahan or an elemental spell
Anti-Most, Endure and either Dual Shadow or one of the Jump passives for the elemental spell
Blitzkrieg or Magic Yang

The COMP’s other feature included the Harmonizer, which softened an attack while increasing the user’s strength, allowing both party to have an ‘equal’ footing in battle. However, it doesn’t diminish an attack’s strength entirely, so a very strong blow can still hurt. If it’s extremely strong, Kouki can still be knocked out.

It can also host various demons he contracted with, whether through the Devil Auction or Fusion, but can only summon two (2) of them out at once. He can order them to either attack the enemy or support the party with their skills.

He also carries the sleeping powers of Beldr and Belial inside him, since their defeat. However, he can't draw upon their powers (immunity and intense flames, respectively), yet. Since they're demonic pieces of a fallen god, asylum doctors may reasonably be concerned with potential effects on his mind.

In the asylum, Kouki will be restricted to summoning up to two of these three demons at once.

Deity Shiva - A Hindu god of destruction, yet no longer in a position of power due to God’s presence.
Deathbound - random hitting, physical
Maziodyne - attack all, electricity
Drain - absorb some health and magic
Elec Jump - Increase electricity damage
Life Aid - Restore small amount of health after battle
Phys Jump - Increase physical damage
As a member of the Deity clan, he can use Awakening to temporarily improve the party’s magic skills at the cost of some energy.

Megami Lakshmi - A goddess of beauty, good fortune and love, she’s the main healer in Kouki’s team.
Mediarahan - whole party, full heal
Elec Dance - random hitting, electricity
Samarecarm - revive one party member to full health from KO
Elec Jump - Increase electricity damage
Mana Aid - Restore some magic after battle
Life Aid - Restore some health after battle
As a member of the Megami clan, she can use Affection, a long range full heal/restore all status effects on one whole party from a distance, but cost more mana.

Wilder Mothman - A Native American demon.
Media - whole party, heal some health
Mazan - attack all, light wind
Maragi - attack all, light fire
Endure - Survive one fatal blow
Force Jump - Increase force damage
Life Surge - Increase max health by 30%
Kouki can ride on Mothman, who can increased its speed temporarily to cover more distance (in gameplay terms, went from 4 Movement to a full 7) with Devil Speed.

Replacement Power: Hearing background music at appropriate (or inappropriate) moments. Only audible to him.

Appearance: Link

Suitability/eligibility: N/A

The three magic words are: black, sheep, sissy

Third-Person Sample:

When Kouki woke up, he was confused by seeing a white ceiling. Wasn’t he supposed to be outside, in one of Shibuya’s park? After talking with everyone about their proposals for tomorrow? He was supposed to be thinking over which plan to follow, and must choose one of them before the deadline.

“…This isn’t Shibuya, and it sure doesn’t look like the park at all,” He remarked to himself, knowing very well this wasn’t where he was, before.

His tiredness forgotten quickly, he quickly sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room. Panic was slowly settling in, but he tried not to let it show on his face. But his friends were nowhere around, his COMP wasn’t on him and how did he get dressed in this white...nightgown?

Getting out of bed, Kouki started searching the room for his COMP, and hopefully his clothes as well. He doesn’t want to walk out in this strange place defenceless, since the COMP was the reason why he’s alive, can survived against demons...and other demon tamers, unfortunately.

While searching, he called out for his friends. Maybe they’re here, somewhere, and can meet up with them. Then, he can tell them his decision on which plan they should go with, a heavy responsibility and trust everyone placed upon him for the right possible choice.

He can become the King of Bel and declare war on God, who was responsible for allowing the Ordeal to happen. Although he joked about world domination, Kouki’s not sure if that’s the right choice, being something like the Devil for humanity’s freedom.

Perhaps he can side with Him and be His Messiah, guiding humanity under God’s rule. Everyone can live in peace and the demons, under his control from being their King, won’t attack anyone. But the implications there honestly unsettled him, as everyone will live in fear of His wrath.

Atsuro proposed to control the demons for humanity, using their powers to advance and aid society in a revolution. Advancement will be made, but the temptation for abuse was there and can bring about another Ordeal if man was tempted again.

Or they can just send them back to their world and rebuild the barrier between the human and demon world, returning things back to the way it was. But will it last? Or will someone in the future break the barrier and bring back the demons again?

And lastly, the idea Kouki liked the least personally, they can just break through the barricade that hold in everyone, including the demons, inside the lockdown. He doesn’t want to go with it; so many things can go wrong with that plan, even if it’s Yuzu’s, one of his best friends, idea.

But he’s still indecisive. Hopefully, by the time he’s reunited with everyone, his mind was made up and they can go and lift the Lockdown.

Now, where in the world was his COMP?

First-Person Sample:

…This isn’t Shibuya, and it sure doesn’t look like the park at all.

[Walks around, looking for something. And people.]

Yuzu! Atsuro! Where are you? Can you guys hear me?

…Midori, Keisuke? Everyone…Naoya, what about you? If I say I’ll go with your plan and become your evil overlord, you’ll appear, right?

...I guess he’s not here.

[Taking in deep breaths, trying calm down in spite of his growing panic.] I must get back, everyone’s waiting for my choice and the deadline’s drawing closer...Wait, how long have I been here? How much time did I waste already? And my COMP is missing, too.

Crap, this is bad.

ooc, application, carriero

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