you are an animal

Aug 31, 2010 19:53

School is making me exhausted. Or, I'm exhausted so I'll blame school. And I'm feeling all "blah" lately.

It's dumb, because when I was getting ready to come back to school, I was pretty excited (just not for the homework/studying). And seeing people was great - that's what's nice about upper divisions, I guess. You start to see the same people in your major, finally, not all these crazy freshmen in your GEs. And Catalina was good for that, too, since I'm so quiet it forced me to get to know some of those people REALLY well. Seeing the roomie was good, too. Just hanging out without quite the responsibility of midterm season or w/e.

But some of my best friends from work graduated, which is a bummer, and my other really good friend at work doesn't have any hours scheduled when I'm in the office, so that was a double bummer. Work is kind of boring now, and it used to be one of the things I looked forward to most of all. I think I've been working there too long, although I do appreciate the good pay for pretty simple tasks.

Realizing how far behind on reading you can fall in one week - also a bummer. I got so used to block semester, and while that was harder in some ways, it was nice being able to focus on one class at a time, even if it was REALLY intense.

I'm bummed that last weekend turned into study fest and that I didn't go to the beach on Saturday but was locked out of my house instead for like 3 hours with my Econ book. Econ sucks. And based on the meeting we had Sunday, the Sierra Club is looking kind of lame this year. I don't want to do it anymore if it's turning into just a resume builder, not something even mildly enjoyable.

Rush always bums me out, too. Not that I want to be in a sorority by any means. But there's nothing like seeing hordes of matching t-shirts to make you feel like you're missing out on something. I just don't have that social butterfly personality and I don't really understand pop culture in that way - like, dancing to Lady Gaga every other night is not something that really interests me. I sound like such an old man party pooper, but I just wasn't built for Frat parties. And it doesn't help that my roommate is "over college parties" so she doesn't help push me outside my box. She's all about bars and clubs, now. Which are full of just as many creepers as frat parties, so I don't really see the difference except that one is expensive and the other is free. But, w/e. Everyone went out last night and I didn't really want to anyway, but sometimes I wish I actually wanted to do that kind of thing instead of being antisocial or whatever.

Anyway, I feel like every time I go home, a lot of stuff comes up at school that I could do and when I stay at school, there's nothing to do. So this weekend is the first football game (on Thursday) and the roomie's flying to Hawaii to go to the game. I have class Thursday, but I don't even think I can Tivo the game because Time Warner Cable is dropping ABC and ESPN until Disney lowers prices for the contract which is bullshit. There's no price too high for USC football. My mom said she would record it for me. The point is, I feel like if I stay here all Labor Day weekend, there will be nothing to do besides homework and I'll be alone in the apartment the whole time - lame. I feel like if I go home this weekend, people will be like, "Hey let's go get lunch tomorrow!" and I'll have to pass because I'll be at home and fucking carless. ugh. I can't decide. But I feel all lonely and blah so I'm just gonna blame my birth control so I don't have to take responsibility for this lame-ness. haha
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