May 02, 2006 23:24
i'm really worried about the zine.
it's really important to me and we've only gotten about 3 submissions and an issue was supposed to be out by june.
at this point i don't know what to do, but shutting down the whole operation definitely isn't a possibility. i'm the sort of person that always has to finish the things they start.
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I should type up those Earl notes. I emailed him like a week ago asking if we could finish the interview this weekend, but he hasn't responded... maybe I should call?
We should all meetup and discuss this shiznit... because I have all those ideas for pieces, it's just that they all take time and effort and participation on the part of other people (like getting comments from people for an article, or for the "Music Critics Are Children" thing) and I don't know which ones I should be working on.
if we really got our acts together, I don't see why we couldn't have an issue out before the end of June. I'm more concerned with doing the best job possible than I am with getting it out quickly though.
but yeah... we need to get working again.
i feel really bad about this. i mean, i'll do all i can of course, but with the craziness of schedules and sats etc. . .
also, tim i assume? that icon (or not-icon) is really awesome
p.s. this is ana, i don't know you, i just know of you.
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