Oct 21, 2005 18:52
hmmm... i thought i posted something up here yesterday... perhaps not. not much sleep lately. but still i coulda sworn i posted something after the astros win... eh.. so it goes. obviously not that important.
two things from the first bit. astros and no sleep. already not sleeping enough or well, i come to dubai with the astros in the middle of the playoffs and what times can you watch the games? 430am. woohoo! but at least i can watch the games. but it means wed. night i stayed up all night to watch the game and then watch the game and then stay up another ten hours. being awake for 30 something hours with a parent on vacation in a muslim country during ramadaan = not a whole heap of fun. but it was bearable. more on the dubai trip when i can get home and spend quality time writing up my sporadic, illegibly scribed on various papers/matches/receipts notes. i know i have you all in a tivvy just waiting to hear. but for now, i'll just point out three things... ramadaan is going on, in a muslim country (perhaps the most westernized but still islamic laws), it's really damn hot (although thankfully not the super heatedness of full on summer)
but for now, i'm safe and making the best of things. to london on wednesday, spend the night, fly to houston thursday morning, get in at 140ish pm, then who knows what... hopefully watching the astros win the world series... but i picked them in 6 over the sox two weeks ago so i'll stick with that...
enough for now, its dark and hell is hot...