Jun 01, 2007 22:48
the simple things continue to give me the most pleasure. Tonight was just one of those all-American love fests. I've started going to many El Paso Diablos games. They are the minor league baseball team here in town. I got treated to 2 very rare occurrences which I have never seen live before. Our 1B hit for the cycle, and I also got to witness back-to-back-to-back home runs. (and it was actually about 15ft shy of back-to-back-to-back-to-back)It was $1.50 rib night, and to top it all off, I found a way to avoid the $3 parking fee by parking in the community college a few lots down and taking a short hike through some wilderness to get to the ball park. Howie and HBB would be proud. I love the friendly atmosphere of the fans at the games- it is all so genuine. After the game we also got a free fireworks display and got to go out on the field if we wanted to. At first a rapid trickle of kids running the bases turned into a herd, and then finally a mob of constantly moving jubilee. I couldn't help but laugh. As I watched the explosions growing in the sky I got an overwhelming feeling which I remembered- but not experienced in a while. It was pure gratitude. How amazing is it that I can live in a country as great as America and have the opportunities that I do every single day? I remember a pastor recently told us that if you wake up, open your front door and see the United States of America outside, by definition you are one of the 5% of the world's wealthiest people. We can always work to improve it, but I love this country so much. I never want to forget that feeling I had tonight.
and I still contend if the politicians were forced to sit down and enjoy a baseball game now and again- this world could be a much sweeter place.
God Bless