Jul 02, 2011 08:32
This is totally not me using my friend's laptop because I neglected to bring my own. My sister did something to ours and she won't let me do anything to it. ;_;
In other news, it's fourth of July weekend! Technically, it was also Canada Day weekend. My friends and I spent the afternoon playing with fireworks. At one point, I felt a ringing sound in my ears, and hearing it was just... '_';
July first signaled the start of Camp NaNoWriMo (writing 50k in 31 days). I think I got my minimum done yesterday, but considering we're going to that one free convention in Anaheim, I have no idea whether I'll be able to type the other words I did at midnight this morning. I'm pretty sure I'll have the minimum today written down, but it won't be typed. I don't know about tomorrow, too. Monday will consist of me catching up on these things while celebrating America's birthday. Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually more patriotic than most of my friends. They mostly prefer Canada over America.
For the free convention, I'll be going as chibi Russia from His Hobo Days (Tatar Yoke). Woo-hoo, I'll be a Mexican hipster Russia. XD What? I need glasses. I've got brown skin. My scarf is soft. I think that should matter...
Nervousness is a must, as it is my first con... '_';
I half-slept in a blanket fort last night. I think all's good in the world. I think, when I get home, I'm making a "camping" area for writing. And it'll be nice. Hopefully, I'll also figure out what kind of thing is making my closet smell odd... It isn't bad, per say, but it's funky. My backpack had a funny color on it, and I'm guessing all the trash I left behind in there is now growing mold.
... Okay, that was disgusting. XD
Ciao, I'll leave you with that. :D
DD the Sentient
celebration time,
hetalia nonsense,
i see a country,
russian stories of mine,