Long Time No Post!

Apr 05, 2009 23:02

Well how's it going everyone ?!  Looking through my previous posts, it's actually been a good few years since I've posted anything on here, but I was feeling a little nostalgic and decided to update my Journal, thanks to a gentle but firm push from a friend.  There may not be many of you out there anymore, but it's not only for your eyes only, it's more a reminder to me to re-focus again in life, and try to achieve the goals I'd set out to achieve all those years ago but had been long forgotten.

It has been a while, but to put into words what I've been doing over the past 3 years would taken an eternity, so let's just say I got my own place in Dundee for a while, chased and lived the dream of independence for about 18 months, had a record officially signed to a record label, went travelling to America for a while and are now living down in Warrington, England after packing all my things up in Dundee before I left to go to the Great USA.  Some area's in Warrington are beautiful, others ... eehhh ... not so much.  To put it into perspective a little, Orford makes Dundee look like fucking Dubai.

Looking back on my posts, I can safely say I've grown a little wiser up top, a little bit bigger down below, and a whole lot poorer since my days in 'sunny' Dundee.  I've managed to secure a part-time job working 25 hours a week in some cheque-processing company.  Hours are good, pay is good, some of the people ... meh.  You get the picture.  Let's just say our supervisor wouldn't look out of place in a kennel, but no kennel in town would take her.

I've been out a few times on the lash since I've been moved.  To be frank, I've found it quite difficult to make some real friends down here.  Up north, I'd spend so much time living on my own that I'd gained a life of independence but lost a social life in the process.  It's a tough price to pay, but I didn't realise at the time how much it would affect me.  I'd become a little introverted/anti-social as a result.   Mistake made, lesson learned.

It was a difficult decision at the time, but it was the wrong decision.

I'm now scrounging off the rents' until I pay off some debts and find another day job to supplement my part-time income, then I'll perhaps

I guess this is a really good tool for re-evaluating what's important in life and focusing more on goals and what you'd like to achieve in future:

* Learn To Drive
* Secure A Day Job
* Music Production Speakers

I'll keep my list small for the time being : so fuck all the above and all it's seriousness.  How are you fuckers that still post here?  Thank god I don't live with Tina, the bitchy paranoid former house-mate anymore.  I hear she's married to Mike, a pretty decent bloke from Newcastle now.  Patrick :  well he's pissed off back to the motherland of dope, strippers and spacecakes.  Tom :  In Ireland, doing pretty well for himself apparently.  Mark :  Stranded on the island of Guernsey still chasing the Chinese dream.  He went for one massage there without the happy ending and now wants to live there permanently.  He's still a huge table tennis nut.

Ewan :  Just managed to get laid for the first time in over a year , you dawwwwgg.  Howl with me Ewan.  Howwwwwwl.  Howwwwl.  Apparently she's that old that she drives a Chariot.  In return, she took his family jewels.  Adam :  Still gambling like its going out of fashion and is Houdini.  Appears for 3 weeks a year, fucks his ex,  and then crumbles into dust, never to be seen again.

I've also been lucky enough to meet a few new mates while down here in 'Wazzzzzzzaaa', but we'll leave it a while before we give them flattering descriptions like the ones above.

It just wouldn't be a post of mine without talking about not wanting a relationship right now and then doing the exact opposite, but we'll leave that for next shall we.  It'll give you all something to look forward to in 3 years time, when I post next ... ;)

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