Brand New Update!

May 15, 2005 14:52

Well well well, how have all my 2 LJ friends been :)?

Hope you have all been keeping well. Me and stoic have booked some tickets to go see star wars ep 3 at the cinema next saturday if anyone if up for coming ? We went to see Kingdom of Heaven last night with Tom and Tracy... tracy convinced us to see this and man its 3 hours of my life ill never get back. What a snooze fest! At one point Mark was snoring. Put it this way it was more fun listening to variations in his snoring patterns than watching this film. I dont recommend it. The end scenes are quite good.

Other things in my life? Well ive sent a few demos off to record companies but im not holding my breath as of yet ill perhaps need another year to tighten up my sounds. Tracks are coming on great working on a new one called 'Seasons Of Tomorrow' which sounds fab considering summer is rapidly approaching. Marks trying to get a vocalist for us to use.... any girl who can sing is welcome by the way on here.

Im off to see Vicky in a few weeks for her birthday so something to look forward to in June... but apart from that nothing... oh going to see my parents also. Then its off to Amsterdam in July for some serious parteeeing( not sure if thats how its pronounced ). After summer im gonna settle down, but i reckon things are looking up. I feel much better, money wise i dont need to worry now for the first time in 4-5 years. Really is refreshing. Right time for my Sunday session at the gym. Take care people and always use protection xx

Caio :)
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