Jan 14, 2005 00:05
theres so much i shouldve/couldve done in the 3 hours ive been home that i didnt do. instead of doing extra studying for chem, research for history, and piano practicing, i ended up doing the necessary journalism, then kicking back and watching tv for a couple hours. not that it was bad tv. i just seem to have no sense of priorities. or responsibility.
strangest conversation in hines's class. hines said something about doing a chemistry quickie, so toby said "whats a quickie" and that was hilarious. then after we were done laughing, hines said something including the phrase "69", which ended up inducing more laughter. then he said something about something being boring, then added "but not that kind of boring". more laughter. and on and on it went. still not as good as that time he drew that little tube and jessie said "i guess hes not jewish" or something like that. maybe it was me.
just in case the audience may be wondering....i wrote that whole account so i could remember. whatever pleasure u get from reading it (you sicko) is just a bonus in the deal.
i have a lot on my mind, so now might be a good time for u to jump off
i know ive been really obsessive with the need to have a girlfriend in the past, to the point where i remember crying once. anyways...thats the past. but i dont feel as obsessive anymore. i mean...i hate being alone and id give anything not to be....but it has to be with the right person. and i seem to have only one right person at a time. meaning that even though there were numerous possibilities for me over the past year....id say approximately 6....i could never be with anyone except for THE ONE.
and that brings me to the soap opera talk. once again, nobody is reading, so im just doing this for my own benefit. i like watching them....cuz technically i guess thats what the oc is. and i like it. cant get enough of it. im bummed right now cuz i just watched tonights show and now im sad cuz i have to wait another week. but i cant stand how soap opera lives are. mine is utterly boring by comparison. in a soap opera, theres always a pregnancy here, an illegitimate child there, a few scandals, maybe a love triangle or two. ive never had any of those things. if there were to be a tv show of my life...nobody would watch it. it would basically be me getting up, going to school, spending time doing nothing, telling myself im a worthless piece of scum, and going to bed. every day. not much new going on.
therefore....some change is needed. and is already underway. its like...a phase change. cuz before i was so far from confident it was scary. so now, on my way to being confident, im being cocky. one extreme to the other, then to the middle. ill get to the good phase soon enough. for now, being cocky is great.
"you know what id be doing right now if i was you? id be getting high. because i wouldnt be able to look at myself in the mirror if i wasnt high."~~~~Me