GURPS inter-dimensional/temporal game bucket list

Aug 19, 2012 22:41

1. Pet a dragon
2. High-five Joe Montana after a super-bowl or other big game
3. Shoot a Nazi
4. Punch Hitler. Will also accept killing Hitler if Homeline's not being too douchey about paradox or whatever that stuff is I don't really listen to/understand.
5. Ride a flying dragon
6. Go streaking through a royal coronation
7. Ride a dinosaur (NOTE: From experience with Dragon, remember to bring special chaps)
8. Find a gay (or bi. or heteroflexible) Paul Newman and make out with him. A lot.
9. Be there to witness live "The Catch" (See also item 2)
10. Ride in a space ship
11. Get a queen of England to say "We are not amused" (See also item 6)
12. Kidnap the first Bevo, and leave as present for dragon. Also, Kidnap Pig.
13. Find out if Vomitoriums were real Update: My friends tell me that's a mistranslation.
14. Start a slow-clap at a major historical event, extra points if I don't get punched by Sonia.
15. Steal a copy of Starry Night from one world, and then give it to a college kid in another world to put on the wall of his dorm.
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