Apr 05, 2004 00:12

Hi! Surveys are fun!

Taken from Jenny:

1) Copy list to your journal
2) Bold things you have in common with the person you took this from
3) Things you don't bold, replace with things about yourself.

01. I'll turn 20 on April 11, 2005
02. I have one sister
03. I have a crazy kitty
04. I love Chocolate icecream of death!
05. I need another job=).
06. Blue is my favourite.
07. my hair is wavy
08. I have a slightly messy bedroom
09. I want to Not move anymore.
10. I spend too much time away from home
11. I can't bake=).
12. I dont always like myself
13. I don't like to read when not forced to
14. I dislike Mary-Kate and Ashley
15. I am a huge procrastinator.
16. I like Mt. Dew=).
17. I love my friends
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I want to be a singer when I grow up
20. I want to be a Singer!(listen to me people...)
21. I want to buy a new car
22. People probably think I'm weird(and gay, haha)
23. I am not short
24. I never type right
25. I like soda

26. I have NO of family in Chicago
27. I'm going to go for a masters degree in Singing

28. Love is complicated
29. Gwen Stefani is a whore
30. I'm in love with art.
31. Sometimes, I need a vacation from home.
32. I don't understand people that hurt themselves
33. Avril is not punk.(Amen)
34. Beavis and Butt-head are stupid to me
35. I miss billie
36. I've never been to another country.
37. I was born in Louisiana
38. I've never been surfing.
39. I'm happy w/my computer
40. I don't have words of the days
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I want to go to Japan
43. I love giving attention.
44. I can daze off into space for prolonged periods of time and have it only feel like seconds
45. I'm interested in learning about something HAPPY
46. I don't wear glasses
47. I have one class ring
48. My ears are NOT pierced...thank the lord.
49. I dont read as much as I probably should
50. I like to get packages from people.
51. I love decorating
52. I miss life's simplicities/childhood
53. I love to find money in my coat pockets.
54. I have NO nailpolish on
55. I enjoyed middle school....a little 
56. I had a dog called Lady once...
57. I could be a better person
58. I wish life would have been more kind
59. I want magical powers.
60. I love pictures.
61. I love to take pictures.
62. I'm tired.
63. I love blue eyes... or light eyes in general
64. If I was a normal boy, I would hurt myself. I am SUCH a girl.
65. People look down to me...cause I'm different(people look down to Katie cause she's short=).
66. My friends rule
67. I had no friends in middle school...well, a select two.
68. I wish I could play the violin.
69. I dont have a partner.
70. I have never done drugs
71. I hate when the alarm goes off
72. I like fruits.
73. I can never make up my mind
74. I am a son.
75. Insects and Old men scare me
76. I'm feel like I'm getting older
77. I'm sometimes cranky.
78. I want to go to sleep.
79. I wish i could make everyone happy
80. I'm stubborn.
81. Catherine Zeta Jones is stunning
82. I am the Dance Dance Revolution GOD!
83. I am easily distracted
84. I like anime
85. I hate being alone...and i am
86. Sometimes I think to myself, "Wow. People are really fucking stupid."
87. I like how I am better than how I used to be
88. I wish I could take better pictures.
89. I am too smart to EVER kill myself.
90. I crave affection
91. Never had sex, so I can't comment on it...I'll just assume what everyone says about it is true.
92. I am incapable of not caring.
93. I don't like old disney classics
94. I like cheese=).
95. I wish we had more distinct seasons here
96. Robin Hood men in tights is a great movie
97. I am confused (you have no idea...) 
98. I have light blue eyes.
99. I dont like Britney Spears
100. I like Korean/Japanese bands.
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