May 19, 2010 11:41
So its been about 3 and a half months since everything went down. I gotta say its been a good and bad thing. I quite miss the time we spent hangin out, playing with the cats, just walking around Royal Oak and Birmingham, and of course the Sunday morning breakfasts. But it was all for the best I suppose. It more than likely wouldn't of worked out overall and I threw it all away being an emo-face and totally ruining any chance I had to save any shred of dignity.
Now 3 months later everything is like nothing ever happened. She's off doing her thing and I'm doing mine. Someday I hope that things could be normal again, but thats just me playing the eternal optimist. It also made me start thinking about my other relationships that I have had that weren't probably going to work. Mainly Lindsay. That was a great relationship that probably could've gone the distance had it not been for the religion thing.
That of course is assuming everything went perfectly and everything. Nothing really lasts forever and I'm sure that would've sputtered out eventually as well. Sometimes I do think about how life would've been if I had gone and converted to stay with her. Abandoning my family and friends just to be with her. Shes all grown up now with a husband and a house (at least last I talked to her a LONG while ago)
It also brings up a question I thought about on the way to lunch today: Would you abandon everything just to be with someone you love? It seems like its a generic question that has been asked time and time again. But it kind of perked my interest this time around since I've been doing lots of thinking lately about what I'm going to do when all the dust and baggage settles down and I finally move on.
It really feels good posting here regularly again. I just have to remember to say fuck what people think and just do my own thing like I have been lately. I see it as, if people want to listen and read what I think then cool, if not then fuck em. I am quite thankful for the people I have in my life now. I just need to start advancing my life and actually getting out more.