Sep 26, 2004 22:40
First of all, I can never be in the same room as you ever again, the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach and I know it would entail my foot in your face. Do you not have a soul? Is your conscience non existent? Ive never meet anyone who has had less respect for anyone besides themselves, or treated the people that obviously love them like they are nothing. You are nothing, noone deserves this, especially her, you dont deserve the only thing that she wanted, to be your friend. I hope you are forever alone and unhappy, cause I know that is the only thing you want, you seem to get off on that since in ur mind life is a series of painful moments. You are the worst person I have ever meet, or heard of, and i know some pretty fucking shitty people.
If I receive a phone call like the one I just received I am going to come visit you, and you wont like it. In some cases I wont have to be violent, but I will ruin your life. I dont care if your in Plymouth, Maine, or even Boston, I will be there.