Having a good time!

Sep 02, 2004 19:20

I am really enjoying myself here at the good ole UNH. Oh man news, When I got my love sac I was super pissed. I requested that the chair say "UNH Wildcats" instead it says "UHN Wildcats" I was ripshit. I couldnt beleive it. Well I was still happy cause I did have the bitchin hige ass chair. It may take up my whole room but its soo freakin comfortable. Well hers the news I emailed the chair company just to inform them of the mistake, and I made sure to make them at least feel bad about it. Here is the email:

I received my chair last week and the text I requested to be
                embroidered on the side had a typo. i wanted it to say: "UNH Wildcats!"
                it says instead "UHN Wildcats". This is a big difference and cant use it for
                school events now since i dont go to UHN i go to UNH.

I thought it was funny, well not more then 5 minutes later I get a reply. They are sorry for the inconvenience and will be sending me a new chair as soon as they can get it to me. How friggin awesome is that. I will now have TWO love sacs for the awesome price of one. BITCHIN!! How happy was I oh man.

Anywho, I think my classes are pretty good I like my classes accept for the fact that I am a little over my head in Intro to music. I love how the class that is a goof off for everyone else is gonna be the one i spend the most time studying for cause I am good at everything else I have.

What the hell does this fucking shit mean. Oh well, the up side is the homework is very relaxing, I do it after my math work cause it calms me down. The only homework we have is to read from the text while listening to the pieces of music from the cd set that that part of the text tells us to read. And its not that bad. I miss Kirsten so much though, and Im glad she comes to visit me as often as she does cause now I can enjoy myself up here without driving myself crazy. Everytime I start to ridiculously miss her shes comes up. And its awesome.I heart Kirsten.

Cant wait for the hockey season. GO UNH WILDCATS! NOT UHN WILDCATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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