Sep 25, 2012 10:05
Just when you think you have mastered or are mastering all the physical shit nature throws your way (well mine anyway) you hit the menopause.
About three years ago. I won't go into graphic detail - its not nice.
Resultant continuing misery is something politely called a "Hot Flush"
These are not diminishing, in fact they seem to be more frequent. It starts with a feeling of immense pressure somewhere between your ears and rapidly hits boiling point, spreading like an overflowing saucepan up face and neck, across chest, down back and all over. Removal of any extraneous clothing is imperative. If this occurred whilst I was in any place or position that prevented this I think I might die. And then you sweat. This can last anything up to twenty minutes and it's quite debilitating. It happened in Sainsburys the other day and made shopping virtually impossible. At night I am constantly alternating between throwing off the duvet almost unable to breath and clutching it round me shivering.
Why? What possible natural function does this facilitate? Or is it just another proof that if gods exist they are just miserable spiteful bastards.