Dec 6th: Untitled Fic (Naruto)

Dec 07, 2010 00:26

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Jiriya, Pakkun, Kakashi
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Santa may leave you coal.
Summary: Kakashi writes a note to Santa. Jiriya comes to check on him.

The house was too big for one child to decorate but he’d tried. The tree was leaning perilously to one side where Bull had accidently knocked it earlier, and the garlands had seen better days - but they were up, decorating the warm corner of the main room he’d taken to living in. He’d curled up underneath the sparse branches, surrounded by his pack with the small plate just inches from his tiny outstretched hand. There was a stick of dango and a note left on it. When Jiriya found it he thought he could understand the desperation that had led the silver haired boy to attempt all this. There was only a month between the now and the morning he’d found the pre-pubescent genius unresponsively staring at his father’s bloody tanto.

Jiriya crouched down next to the small boy and silently slid the note free of the sweet treat. Either he was more careless than he’d thought or Pakkun had given up sleeping because the pug raised his head and glared at him. Not that he didn’t deserve it.

“How’s he doing?” Jiriya asked softly, too softly to wake the baby chunnin as he scanned the note and felt his heart sink to his boots at the messily scrawled words there.

“Badly.” Pakkun answered gruffly, anger edging his words with a growl that made Kakashi frown in his sleep and reach for the small dog. They were both quiet and still until their subject’s breath evened out again. “He needs someone to keep an eye on him, Jiriya. Not someone too scared to come see him by day.”

“Hm.” Silence stretched out between them, filled only with Kakashi’s soft, even breaths and the softest scratch of paper slipping into Jiriya’s jacket. “I won’t be here tomorrow, Pakkun. I won’t be for a long time.” A long thin package was pulled out of his robes and after a moment’s hesitation he set it down next to the boy’s head. Sakumo would have wanted him to have it. He couldn’t help thinking, as he silently stood again, that a pug shouldn’t be able to glare so hotly.

“You’re going to run, aren’t you?”

Well, there was no denying that. He wasn’t cut out for raising kids. Especially ones that looked too painfully like their fathers.

“Minato’ll be by tomorrow. He’s going to take Kakashi onto his team.”


Those were the last words they exchanged for a very long time. The sannin teleported away without a word, leaving behind the wonky tree, the glaring pug and the wrapped, clean tanto behind him, carrying a child’s wish for his father’s return in his pocket.

naruto, fanfic, advent 2010

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