
Jan 22, 2007 15:33

*beats own head with a wooden spoon*

Is there a word for fan-fiction which is blatantly written in order to exorcise the author's own (usually melodramatic) feelings? If there isn't, there should be. And I'm not talking about Angst, although that can be used for it too; it is like a sub-section of Angst. An emotional Mary Sue. Emo Sue. Anyway, there will be more on this when I've sat down and thought about it for a little while. Possibly done some research (see! See what uni's done to me? Research!).

Anywho, in other news I'm considering running for Deputy President of my Students Union. Not entirely sure if this is a good idea or not, but I'll give it a go. What's the worst that can happen? I don't get it and I come back to Trinity in September to do my Masters in Creative Writing (assuming they'll have me, of course.) Meh, all this thinking about my futre stuff is starting to give me grey hair! Closer to home, my obsession with all things manga continues unopposed. I'm currently deeply involved with the Sayuki series - and as an added bonus, there's not a single character that annoys me. Gods help me, but I actually 'like' most of the female characters! Pity that I'm finding it so hard to dig up decent Saiyuki fic on FFN then, really; BTW that was the cause of my earlier rant, simply had to get it out of my system.

Ok, I'm off to go and write something for the Short Story collection I have to hand in - in may. *sweatdrops* then again I may go and kill time writing Fan Fic. Stay tuned to find out which one, next time on DdC's Rants!

sayuki, fanfic, su

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