Summer Apathy

Aug 11, 2005 20:43

It occurred to me just now while I was browsing the 30_hugs community That I haven't even taken the time to tell you guys that I'm back home for the summer brake. Since arriving home, I have been pestered by my mother and brothers to clear out my room and get a summer job. Both are easier said than done.
My room has been used as a dump by the rest of my Family and cousin for the last eight months. As a result my book corner resembles a mountain peak that all mountaineers would aspire to climb.
As for a summer job - apparently telling the truth, i.e. I'm going back to Carmarthen in september, is unwanted. And I feel absolutely awful about lieing to them. Gods know why, and they aren't telling.
Otherwise I have been doing a whole lotta natta.
OH! I've seen Charlie and the Chocolate factory twice. That grin of Depp's before each kid's taken out sent chills up my spine, and NOT in a good way. It was more in a 'where is he hiding the knife?' way.
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