This picture cracked me up.
The day befpre yesterday we went for our latest doctor's appointment, and did get to confirm that we are indeed going to have a little girl. I am much more convinced of that fact, now. The best part was seeing her little mouth open and close while moving her head on the ultrasound. It's enough to make a guy have emotions or something.
Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead, has an album coming out this week. I'm pretty excited about that. We'll probably go see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 one day this week.
The Independant Film Channel has went Kurosawa crazy lately. Right now I am watching Rashomon, while one called Sanjuro is recording, and one called The Sword of Doom. Actually, I just looked up the information on the latter movie, and it isn't actually a Kurosawa film but it still sounds like my kind of samurai flick. I have gotten in the habit of assuming a movie with Toshiro Mifune in it is a Kurosawa, since he has been in every one I have seen. Also I just watched another not long ago, called The Hidden Fortress. He is probably my favorite director ever, I'd love to have a box set of his movies, if one exists. I'm not sure what it is about these old black and white samurai movies that appeals to me so much.