Rogues on a Plane.

May 30, 2006 06:09

Amanda and I saw X-Men III on Sunday night. It was decidedly OK. They threw a lot of characters into it that you'd have to watch the credits to figure out who all were. I like the guy, Vinnie Jones I believe, from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch as the Juggernaunt. The most disappointing thing for me though was that I was hoping the Sentinels played a major role, instead of just a cameo. It is also disappointing that after three movies, they never introduced another major villain. I wanted an Apocalypse mostly, but Sentinels or a Mr. Sinister would have done.

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 looked pretty neat though I feel like I have seen half the movie from the trailers. Also I saw the trailer for Ghost Rider starring Nicholas Cage from the first time. I hope it might be good, I read the reinvented Ghost Rider back in the day for the first couple of years. I don't read comics anymore, though. For a while I read the Star Wars comics set in the very distant past, and enjoyed those.

Sunday we went to Josh's daughter's birthday party at our little zoo downtown. It is more like a mini-zoo now than just a petting zoo, like the last time I went when I was a kid. I always end up feeling ambivalent about zoos. I like the animals, but am unsure of locking them up like that. I like that most zoos try to make the animal cages as close to their natural environment as feasible, at least. After we got home from the movie I started drinking some of my leftover margaritas, and noticed a funky aftertaste. Stubborn as I am I still drunk quite a bit, and was mildly ill the next morning. I had to force myself to pour the rest out last night. I need to make about half as what I made the last time if I am going to be the only one drinking them over one weekend. I think I might experiment with some different flavored margaritas next time.

Also on Sunday we got invited to a cookout up at Josh's parents' house. It was my second home for years, I spent nearly every weekend there as a teenager. They had one of those homes that become an hub of activity thanks to having three sons of close age and being tolerant of having kids in and out of their house all the time. It was great sitting around and talking to his parents and brothers, the youngest of which has a couple of kids of his own. I talked more to his brothers than I have in close to ten years probably. Also earlier that day I called James Hixson, my buddy who is still over in Korea. He comes back home for over a month next weekend, and will after that be stationed down in Fort Stewart in Georgia.

I am taking an extra day off this coming weekend in order to have my Dad and I install my garage door opener, while Amanda and I plan to paint our nursery. Also we may have Josh and Kim over for a cookout. All in all life is pretty good right now.

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