Jun 17, 2004 16:04
Past 2 week's have been really fun...well most of the days
My " crush " turned out to be the school heartbreaker...O well
Also...hannah is moving on monday FUCK i'm going to missss her soo much
Saw "Saved!" with erika loved it so much that we took a friend of ours (HANNAH) to be SAVED ahhaha Jk mucho love
Went to west wood w/ erika ate, waved to random ppl we are soo loved...Stocked HOT/STONERS...went to hannah's had a "sale" made money...hannah kept it all...went to the mall w/ zach b unit hannah and erika ... had a great time running away from * _ - ____* hahaha
OK that's it i'm going to misss hannah and her "truck"m Love ya sis!
I love u