Feb 15, 2008 23:43

It is hard to believe that I haven't touched this thing in 2 1/2 months. I have been so damn busy, or otherwise pre-occupied, that I haven't had the time, or the desire to update this thing.

Apparantly I am not the only one, as everyone seems to have migrated to other sites, and livejournal appears to becoming more and more of a Ghost Town...

Let's see here... What have I been up to since I last updated... Hmmmm...

Well, Christmas came and went, and I barely celebrated this year. We had Jerica and Jon over for dinner, but I barely cleaned, I didn't cook, and I hardly did much of the gift thing. It just seemed to sneak up this past year, and I had no time, and no money to spend on stuff like that. Perhaps this year will be different. We'll see...

Oh! For those of you who recall reading my last post... I went to a Doctor about my blood pressure, and surprise, surprise... I have Hypertension. I was put on a medication to help regulate it, which made me very woozy and tired for the first month or so, after I started taking it. My blood pressure is now down to a controllable level, however I have no idea if or when I will be able to stop taking this medication.

On New Year's Eve, I went down to Tampa, and spent the night with Jonathan and Cloey. We met up with Jerica and Jon, and wound up going to Gen and Dave's house for New Year's Eve. I was going through a very rough time emotionally, and I really needed that night out with my friends. We had a GREAT time, and I got to see and hang out with a lot of people I care about!

The next day, I ended up coming home, and then at 5:30 PM, I packed up my Car, and drove all the way to my Mom's house, with all 11 Pets in tow. I made it there by 4:45 in the morning. I spent the next week with my family, and enjoyed every minute of it. I went to the movies and dinner with my Mommy, I saw my Dad, and after we picked up my Sister from the Airport a few days after I got there, I got to spend time with her too. We also got to see my Nephews, who once again had growth spurts since I last saw them.

About a week after I got there, Stephen decided to drive up there. As if you haven't figured it out, we went through a rough patch before I went to Virginia, but as of now, we have resolved the issue. ::knocks on wood:: We had a good time with him up there, and I took him to Georgetown to see the Exorcist Steps. LOL, fucking tourists!

Before we left to go back to Florida, we also got to go up and see my Maryland Relatives, and to see my Cousin Johnny's band, DownCycle play at Recher Theatre. I was so proud of them! ::wipes a tear::

Drove back down to Florida on the 13th, got settled back in, and then went to see Killswitch Engage at the House of Blues on the 15th. It was a pretty good show, but of course was reallllly crowded.

We also went to Sea World, to take advantage of the year pass deal thing we got for Christmas. I always have a blast at that place, and would live there if I could.

Since we've been home, we started setting up a Salt Water Aquarium. It has been a very long process, but is really interesting and a lot of fun. We FINALLY have our water acclimated, and have been adding different things to the Aquarium.

When we put Live Rock in, we discovered that we have Hermit Crabs (little tiny ones). We also put in a bunch of Domino Damsels, to help acclimate the water. One day last week, we saw a huge nasty Bristle Worm coming out of one of the rocks. SCARY little fucker! So we got an Arrow Crab (named Jacques) who is supposed to eat Bristle Worms. Hopefully he'll do his job! We also put in some teeny little Emerald Crabs (I named the bigger one, Optimus Brine), 2 Fire Scallops (I named the orange one, Animal, because he looks like a Muppet), a couple of Corals, and tonight we put in a Purple Nudibranch Slug (I named her Lucy Fer Slugg). They are all supposed to help with Algae. Then of course my pride and joy... Mr. McChompers, a Bamboo Shark Embryo. He was just a little blob when I first got him, but now you can see his eyes, and his fins are starting to develop. He squirms around in his egg all day long, and is cute as a bug in a rug! Hehehe!

Let's see here... What else am I forgetting? I did a transport a few weeks ago for 2 little Puppies (Shiloh and Sheva) black and white, and red and white Huskies. It was for an owner surrender in Palm Coast. I drove out there, and had them sign the Pups over to us, then I drove them to Belleview where I met up with Melanie, and she took them the rest of the way. They were the SWEETEST little Girls! Sheva has already been adopted, and Shiloh will be adopted soon. We also have yet another pregnant Husky in the Rescue, so we are going to have another litter of Puppies soon... It is amazing how many Puppies we have had recently. It's crazy!

Speaking of which... I have ASSHOLE Neighbors down the street who have Siberian Huskies. They keep them outside 24 hours a day, regardless of the weather. Well, to make matters worse, they bred their Dogs, so now there are 7 little Puppies out there as well. They do not have adequate shelter, and no one ever spends any time with them... I finally had enough, and called Animal Control on them, when one of the Puppies dug out of the yard, and was crossing the street. Animal Control came out, however they obviously didn't take the matter seriously, because nothing has changed. It finally came to a head last Friday when I was driving out of the neighborhood and came close to HITTING one of the Puppies! 5 of them had dug out this time, and the owners didn't even fucking notice! Myself, as well as 2 other Neighbors were outside trying to round up the Puppies. We finally got the owners to come out, and they obviously didn't give 2 shits about the Dogs. They were only interested in the re-sale value of the Puppies and felt they were a pain in the ass. As civil as possible, I made it abundantly clear that I am a volunteer with a HUSKY Rescue and made it clear that their Dogs need to be better taken care of... I gave a ton of suggestions, including crating indoors, but they didn't give a shit... I tried to explain that Huskies are escape Artists and mainly do so when they aren't being properly cared for... If their Dogs continue to dig out or otherwise escape, they are going to be hit by a car and killed. And if I happened to accidentally hit one of those sweet Puppies... I would be devastated! At any rate, Animal Control isn't doing shit, and the Puppies escaped at least 2 other times. OH! When I was talking to the Woman about the digging, she said she had "had it" with the Puppies, and that "everytime" she puts down SAND, to cover up the holes, they dig right through it! LLLOOOLLL!!! How fucking stupid can she be?! As politely as possible, I said "Sand is pretty much the same thing as dirt". Fucking cunt! If anyone wants to dress up in Ninja outfits, and perform a covert Rescue Mission to save these Huskies and their Puppies, please let me know!! If only our Rescue had the Authority to go in and sieze these poor Dogs. :(

At any rate, enough ranting... I also went to see Wednesday 13 in Jacksonville with Jerica and Lena on the 29th. The venue blew, but seeing the guys was cool. Got recognized from Cherry Debauchery, which is always an ego boost :)

Also managed to get back into the swing of things with Yoga and Pilates last week, after being away from it for a long time, mainly due to my trying to get used to my hypertension medication. Everything seems to be getting back to normal, and I'm hoping the worst of the side effects are over with.

Had a nice, relaxing Valentine's Day yesterday with my Stephen. I'm not going to mention the details though, because 1.) I am way too sick of typing, and 2.) I'm a Lady, damnit ;)
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