Chris, our receptionist at my company, is friends with a guy named
Mark, who I just met today. He's a rising (but not risen) wrestling star of the WWE. Huge guy, has his own action figure, and a signature move ("Mark of Greatness"). They were hanging at the 3rd Street Promenade (nice outdoor mall near the ocean, in Santa Monica) during lunch today. They were in a boutique shoe store when a guy starts making fun of Mark. This guy is making gorilla noises, "aping" around the store and such. Mark, respectfully, tells him to knock it off. The dude gets up in Mark's face, starts asking if he wants to start something. They get to pushing. Chris (who's a bouncer at night) tried to cool things down. Eventually the store owner asked the guy to leave. He stalked out of the shop, muttering some nasty things, taking his friend and two body guards with him. It was later that he learned the troublemaker/gorilla guy was famed actor and one-time Academy Award nominee Alec Baldwin.