misheardSubject: Issei Ryudo (+Haruto)
Table: A
Prompt: 28. Writer's Choice (squick)
"H-Haruto..." Issei and his boyfriend were hiding out in the art room at Haruto's school. "Are we safe in here?"
"We should be," Haruto answered, a bit weakly. "There don't seem to be any spirits in here, so we should have a moment of peace and qui... mmm..."
Issei wrapped his arms around him and deepened the kiss. Haruto moved his hands to clutch at Issei's shoulders. He parted his lips, allowing Issei to explore him more thoroughly.
A cat-call interrupted them, and Haruto took several steps backwards. "Wh-who's there? Gah!"
One of the school spirits floated up, smirking. "No, no, don't let me stop you! You were doing great!"
"...I'm not in the mood any longer," Issei remarked, glancing around the room for more spirits. When Haruto choked, he turned to him in concern. "Is something the matter?"
"Oh, everything's fine!" The Chairman emerged from Haruto's mouth. "Peachy! We school spirits rarely get to see a show like that on the grounds, especially not from our president."
Issei squeaked, "I just had my tongue in there! Eww, eww, eww!"