Jul 22, 2008 22:17
Best Day Ever.
After class in the morning, Kat our counselor took 11 of us NYFAians to Warner Brothers for the tour. Emma and Tandace went. Our tour guide was HORRIBLE until we got to Stars Hollow where we FINALLY got off of the cart and roamed around. Tandace, Emma, and I completely digbied all over the town square, Luke's, the gazebo, Lorelai's house, and Lane's house. Multiple, multiple digbies were had! =D We saw the usual picture cars and the set of Two and a Half Men once again. I love visiting the Gilmore Girls set. I have seen it four times now, and I digby everytime. I love it there. I want to have WB's babies. GAHH. OH YEAH! and when we went to the Friend's set they actually let us roam around Central Perk and take pictures on the couch. I've never been able to do that before! Emma and Tandace stole little tchotchkies (sp?) from the set. haha. And I stole a leaf from a tree in Stars Hollow. GAH! DIGY DIGBY DIGBY!
Then tonight there was rumor that Jay Leno was at Oakwood so me and Tandace went to the infamous building U to check it out and sure enough he was there shooting scenes for the Tonight Show. =D Totally random and hilarious. It was sooo much fun watching the crew work. I love it here in LA. It is a magical place where famous people roam freely and no one is particularly phased by it. ARGH! Loverly!
I love life. I can't believe I have to leave on Saturday. I'd rather kill myself.