The only thing keeping me dry is...

Apr 12, 2004 03:34

"Such Great Heights" is seeping through the hallway and entering my room right now. I remember the first time I ever heard The Postal Service. It was sometime last summer. I was in Tulsa driving down 51st on my way to Promenade Mall. Must've been a Friday, because I was listening to KRSC's new music program, the show where every song is brand new and they qualify it with a disclaimer that they may never play the song again. They played "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" and I knew immediately I loved it. Since they might never play it again, I called the station (343-7913) to find out who sang it. The image that sticks out in my mind when I recall this scene is me trying to write down the name of the band while making a left turn into the mall in heavy Friday afternoon traffic.

For weeks I searched for the song on Kazaa, but it was never there. I made due with KRSC, and eventually two more singles were released. Later my family was invited to spend an evening with the Carpenters (Chicago kids- a family from home, they go to our church; the elder son is my eldest brother's best friend, was his roommate for five years, and was a groomsman in his wedding; the younger son was quite popular in high school) to see their new house. (It's so strange that they moved. Even today when I get to the intersection of Lake Road and Blue Starr I think that if I were to turn right I would get to their house.) On the way home Pat drove Mom and I drove Mom's car alone. "Sleeping In," which was at the time my favorite song, came on KRSC, and like usual I opened the windows, cranked up the volume, and screamed along all the way from Verdigris.

I guess that I earned enough musical karma over the years to know about the Postal Service. My friends rarely have the same tastes in music as me, and when they do they always know more about the artists than I do. Always been one to enjoy music at face value, I didn't understand why I should be memorizing titles of songs and members of bands.

At the beginning of the year only me, Jesse, and Dave listened to The Postal Service. One by one the Hendus have been taken. The latest one pleases me. For once I know more about a band than you. For once I liked them first. For once I don't feel inferior. Now watch as you listen to the album and hate it. Damn. Just my luck.
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