Oct 30, 2009 20:31
Five last tsundere moments... ;w; I hate you grawr èwé
1- Just when I read the trick but what did you expect?
2- I was walking and birds were singing. Well that's not it so: some guy who was in my class last year came to talk with me about going to cegep, he arrived and said: "hey I'm going to "L'Hôtellerie" with you and William" of course I couldn't help it so I blushed and punched him.
3- During the last three days I was sleeping so when I came back to my mother's house she saw me and said "I think that you're taller than before =D" so I answer back with a beautiful "shut up è-é"
4- For those who didn't understand, I'm not a tsundere >3 Anyway I was trying to convince some of my friend so I took the description of TvTropes which is "When she does help her rival out, expect her to say something along the lines of "Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for you." This is usually accompanied by ferocious blushing. While she usually cuts down on the beatings and insults and shows more signs of mushiness as the series progresses" so my friend just had to say: "It's so like you ._." I'd say you can guess my reaction; it was a beautiful: Fuck you D:
5- Last one =D It was the last day of school before Halloween so we could desguise ourselves. I don't know exactly why //and I don't wanna know ._.// but the guy I talked about before came to ask me "where I was today and why I wasn't in a cowgirl costume" It was on msn so I couldn't it him but I blushed and kind of blocked him
Way to go è-é That was hard you know? Hope it wasn't to boring ^^' And sorry my english is horrible but I'm tired so D: