...promiscuous filthy conduct...

Feb 23, 2010 10:01

D. "The Gospel of Eve"

26.2.6 And yet others shamelessly speak of a Gospel of Eve. Indeed they clandestinely sow (the weed) in her name, on the grounds that she discovered the food of aquaintance through the revelation spoken to here by the snake. And as though in the unstable frame of mind of a drunkard and of one who randomly utters statements that are not compatible, but rather are partly the result of laughter and partly full weeping - such was the rogues' utterly evil , clandestine sowing.

26.3.1 And they start out from foolish visions and testimonies in the Gospel  that they profess. Indeed, they say the following:

I stood upon a high mountain. And I saw a tall person and another who was short.
     And I heard as it were a voice of thunder, and I drew near to listen.
     And it spoke to me and said:

It is I who am you (sing.): and it is you who are me.
     And wherever you are, I am there.
     And I am sown in all: and you collect me from wherever you wish.
     But when you collect me, it is your own self that you collect.

III. Practices of the Sect

Promiscuous religions services

26.3.3 Those of the school of gnosis (acquaintance) who are connected with Nicolaus's school of thought thus introduce such things, having been deprived of the truth; and they not only turn away the intellects of their followers, but also make their bodies and their souls slaves of illicit sexual acrivity and promiscuity. Thus they confuse their religious services with promiscuous filthy conduct, eating and becoming contaminated by human flesh and impurities.

Against the Gnostics also known as Borborites
The Gnostics According to St. Epiphanius
The Gnostic Scriptures: Ancient Wisdom for the New Age
A New Translation with Annotations and Introduction by Bentley Layton
DoubleDay, 1995
pages 205-206

bentley layton, gnostic scriptures

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