
May 27, 2008 02:13

We are Human, are we not? Limited in our Being, by being Limitless.
We have Strengths and Weaknesses, the attributes of our identity. Yet we are given talents and blessings beyond true measure. We are given a lifetime to become. To become what? To become what we think we can become, yet there are attributes that we are not able to imagine upon ourselves. We give reasons for our shortcomings and our limited vision… my father said to me time to time during my life “Its just an excuse”. For years and years I never understood the true meaning of the phrase. Each time he told it to me, I felt something inside of me grow angry and stubborn. If I were to translate the phrase with my perspective now, it would read, “That is just a road block to your own ability and potential”. Now I know what grew angry, my Pride. It understood the phrase in its entirety, groking the fullness of what I could become yet denying the existence of something more. Such pettiness only breeds stagnation. We are able to expand every horizon, it is in our nature to become More. We can’t let the world define that which we are; the world itself is limited in its’ imagination and will never share the expansive vision we have, as a single person. Thus we become more than just ‘me’ or ‘you’, we become immeasurable in our journey through life.

There comes a time in every person’s journey that they must come to a decision, come to the Moment of Truth, the Cusp, the Turning Point, the Limitless Fork in the Road, the Precipice of Life.
The illusion of that Moment… is the notion, the idea that it is a single moment.
We make that moment, every beat of our heart... we make that moment what it is.
Every thought, every action, everything makes a difference upon that Cusp.
To make a decision, we become it.
No man is, without the road he has traveled. The fruit of our labors is never the ideal of our adventure; the journey is treasured far longer and much more appreciated then any physical treasure or mental achievement.
Aye, ye might suppose tha’ end of the road to be grand, aye, it is, yea… this too shall pass.

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