so... I went from... 1:20 p.m.
to 5:00 on the dot. Biking.
I went from Saratoga and Crosstown..
to the Harbor Bridge, To A&M, back to Home.
I feel.. Satisfied. Yet my buttocks and scrotum would answer otherwise...
25 miles, with the wind blowing at 20mph, and gusting to 30 mph.
And for most of the 25 miles.. I was heading straight into the wind! oi!
It was awesome. I was even tempted... HIGHLY tempted... to try to ride up the side
of the Harbor Bridge... I mean I got on the side and went about 25 feet...
then decided it wasn't worth somehow getting in trouble or hurting myself.
Though I'm highly tempted to do it!
Heres my Route.
I'm happy.
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