Harry Lloyd resume/cv

Jan 21, 2008 21:20

I've seen this someplace....

My niece has decided she wants to be an actress. (Of course, she also wants to be a writer, an artist, and an archeologist at the same time, so make of that what you will....) She's already talking resumes and headshots and agents and such, though she's never even been in a school play. I remember running across Harry Lloyd's resume/cv online and thought I might forward it so she could see what a resume for a young actor looks like--for one thing, he's only about ten years older than her, and for another, he hasn't had one of those careers that started in babyhood and went through the professional full-time child actor route. I think the resume I saw was pre-Robin Hood; I know it included student works he did at Oxford. But now that I'm trying to find it on purpose, of course I can't--it's not linked on IMDb, or his Wikipedia entry, and I couldn't easily find it on his agent's website. Does anybody have any clues?

In return, I give you this bit of "news" from the Wikipedia entry: "Fans have e-mailed Tiger Aspect, the production company who makes Robin hood, to see if he will be appearing in Series 3, they responded by saying "storylines change daily and we therefore cannot confirm Will or Djaq's return or otherwise"[citation needed]." FWIW

robin hood, harry lloyd, news

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