Like a fairy tale - True Love - chapter 1/3

Mar 04, 2015 21:42

Part 3: True Love

Warning: Alternated verse, Non-con, Stockholm syndrome, Underage
Characters: Tim Drake, The Joker, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Conner Kent, Jim Gordon
Summary: Birds are mine. Didn't I tell you so? / Les oiseaux m'appartiennent. Ne vous avais-je pas prévenus?

Chapter 1: White as snow / Blanc comme la neige

Harley Quinn was moaning. And begging. And pouting.
Tim started to feel annoyed.
“But Puddin’!” she shrieked in that horrible voice of hers. “You’ve been away for months! Now that you’re finally back, can’t we have some little fun?”
How could someone have such a shifting tone? Most of the words she said were merely childish then, from time to time, one syllable reached a note only equaled by a chalk’s screech on a blackboard.
Was that why she wore black-and-white make up? To look like chalk? How tasteless.
“I know!” she kept going. “There is a fair next town? Shall we go? Just the two of us!”

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perso : joker, perso : damian wayne, perso : tim drake

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