Just a reminder that
The Robincest Meme Fill-A-Thon starts tomorrow! It will be running from August 10th to August 26th, and during that time all new prompts will be temporarily screened as we concentrate on filling as many existing prompts as possible.
That means that tonight is your last chance to get your last minute prompts in!
If you'd like to promote the Fill-A-Thon, please feel free - the more people know about it, the better! For LJ users, just copy/paste the HTML to your own journals to help get the word out! ♥
http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z463/DCU_Memes/RobincestFillAThon.jpg" border="0" alt="The Robincest Meme Fill-A-Thon">
From August 10th to August 26th, http://dcu-memes.livejournal.com/5941.html">The Robincest Meme will be running a Fill-A-Thon!
During that time, all new prompts will be temporarily screened as we concentrate on filling as many existing prompts as possible.
All prompts are eligible, regardless of whether or not they've already been filled.
Come http://dcu-memes.livejournal.com/5941.html">join us, whether it be creating new fills or cheering on others. The more the merrier! ♥
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