Fic: Cat Nap

Apr 11, 2008 17:06

Title: Cat Nap
Claim: General DCU
Characters\Pairing: Flash, Green Lantern (Kyle), Batman, Superman
Rating: G
Word Count: 544
Prompt: Determination (T07;P35)
Continuity: Any point during JLA where Kyle was GL. That was a good book.
Summary: Flash and Green Lantern see something very strange in the Watchtower…
Disclaimer: DC owns everything, darn them.
Author’s notes\Warnings: Head hurt? Bad day? Trouble at work? Pick on Batman. That always makes me feel better. Thanks for the outlet, Bob Kane.

No, it wasn't often he saw Green Lantern poking Batman with a glowing green stick but he couldn't bring himself to be surprised either...

community challenge: spring 2008, fic, comicshopgrl: general dcu

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