Title: Pieces In Hand, Part 1/3
Rating: PG13
Characters: Zachary Zatara/Tim Drake, Kon-El
Words: 833
Summary: Kon can't stop touching Tim just because he has a boyfriend. Zach's annoyed, Tim's amused.
Prompt: jet (poor Kon's being objectified)
Notes: Zach's POV, more acceptance than jealousy over the fact that Tim loves a lot of people.
Warnings: jealousy issues, relationship changes, mild sexuality
Disclaimer: I don't own any DC Characters at all.
"Please," Zatara entreated, tired and disdainful, "do not attempt to convince me that there is nothing romantic about you holding Tim as you fly together through a starlit sky." Title: Pieces In Hand, Part 2/3
Rating: PG13
Characters: Zachary Zatara/Tim Drake, Kon-El, Pre-Kon/Zach/Tim, discussion of Kon/Tim, Dick/Tim, Cassie/Tim and Bart/Kon/Cassie/Tim
Words: 1050
Summary: Zach would be a Kon/Tim shipper if he wasn't more concerned with shipping Zach/Tim instead.
Prompt: secrecy
Notes: Zach's POV, far more acceptance than jealousy over the fact that Tim loves a lot of people.
Warnings: mild sexuality
Disclaimer: I don't own any DC Characters at all.
Zach had been the fifth wheel fighting his way into the Cassie, Tim, Kon and Bart love fest long enough to know that they were all at least a little in love with each other.