Title: Under the Hood: Missing Scene
labuenaventuraClaimed: Batman and Robins
Characters/Pairing: Bruce/Jason
Rating: PG (for non-graphic kissing)
Theme: We Could Be Heroes! - Shadows
Link to Table:
http://labuenaventura.livejournal.com/19408.htmlNote: So "Under the Hood" opens with Batman and the Red Hood ripping into each other on the rooftops of Gotham, right? Then, after they fall into the alleys, Red Hood rips off Batman's cowl, then unmasks himself. Cut to the best panel of Bruce's face, ever: shocked, hopeful, angry, scared-- all at once.
Then they cut to five weeks earlier and don't tell you what happens until four issues later. I always think *this* is what Bruce and Jason were doing during the flashbacks. :D