Ficlet: Just a Man in a Costume | DCU/SR | Clark Kent | PG | 1/1

Oct 31, 2009 23:34

Title: Just a Man in a Costume
Fandom: DCU/Superman Returns
Character: Clark Kent
Rating: PG
Word Count: 685
Prompt: For the 2009 Planet October Fic Grab: Mask; For bradygirl_12's 2009 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge: black & orange, jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treating, apples, & many more; For the 2009 DCU Free For All Autumn Challenge: Trick-or-Treating, Costumes
Summary: Watching Metropolis on Halloween evening, Clark thinks deep thoughts about his life's choices.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Existential angst ahead!! Also, this is another fic from me that isn't part of any particular 'verse. Aren't you all glad? :p

community challenge: autumn 2009, fic

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