Fic: Heartland VI: "Trick-Or-Treat!" (1/1)

Oct 24, 2009 23:53

Title: Heartland VI: "Trick-Or-Treat!" (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Dick, Jonathan/Martha, Rose Abernathy
Genres: Challenge, Fluff, Holiday, Romance
Rating: G
Claim: For the dcu_freeforall Challenge (Clark/Bruce)
Prompt: T 15; P 30: Vegetable
Prompt Count: (11/15)
Warnings: Sap alert! ;)
Spoilers: None
Summary: Clark and Bruce accompany an excited Dick as he goes trick-or-treating in Smallville.
Date Of Completion: September 22, 2009
Date Of Posting: October 24, 2009
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 906
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Notes: Written for my 2009 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge. Prompts: Chocolate/candy, Black, Orange, Red, Pumpkins/Jack O’Lanterns, Costumes, Masks, Houses decorated for Halloween, Trick-or-Treating, Moon/Moonlight, Smallville.
Also written for saavikam77’s 2009 DCU_Free_For_All Autumn Challenge. Prompts: T 16; P 13: Moonlight and Special Prompt No. 5: Trick-Or-Treating.
The fantastic banner is by ctbn60! :)
The entire series can be found here.

Clouds scudded across the full moon as stars twinkled in the night sky. A gentle breeze blew, the wind whispering through the trees.

bradygirl_12: clark/bruce, community challenge: autumn 2009, fic

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