Fics: Come What May; For Lack of Burning | SR/BB | Various characters & ratings | 1/1; 1/1

Aug 29, 2009 22:11

Posting down to the wire! For my own challenge, no less! XD

Title: Come What May
Fandom: DCU/Superman Returns
Characters/Pairings: Clark/Lois, Dick/Roy, Wally/Linda, Bruce/Selina, Diana/Steve, lots of other Leaguers and Titans, and two surprise pairings!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,766
Prompt: For 12days_of_clois: S'mores; For the 2009 DCU Free For All Summer Challenge: S'mores, Camp Fire
Summary: Some ten years after the events of Awaiting the Ghost of Christmas Past and Lost Time, Lois contemplates her ever-growing extended family at the Sixth Annual League/Titans Camping Trip. Slice-of-life fluff, no real plot. :p
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit!
Author's Notes: This far in the future of the Aftermath-verse, it really becomes a thorough melding of the SR world and the comics world. (Many more author's notes found at the fic post)

Title: For Lack of Burning
Author: Saavikam
Fandom: DCU comics-verse/Superman Returns/Batman Begins
Characters/Pairings: Jason White, Dick Grayson, hint of Dick/Roy and future Jason/Donna
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,500 exactly!
Prompt: For the August Fic Grab Challenge at The Planet: Heat; For the 2009 DCU Free For All Summer Challenge: Sunburn
Summary: Jason doesn't burn. He doesn't tan, either.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Set in the future of the Aftermath-verse. (Many more author's notes found at the fic post)

community challenge: summer 2009, fic

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