FIC: Who Are You?

Jun 18, 2009 00:49

Title: Who Are You?
Author: Dana
Rating: PG
Warnings: A cuss word.
Summary: Conner has settled into life in Smallville and someone comes looking for him but it's not the person he remembers.
Author's note: This is a sequel to Dejavu. If you've read Battle of the Cowl and Red Robin #1 you'll understand the summary and title. If you haven't, that's okay it's easy to follow.
Prompt: 27: Fight
Words: 1,037
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine.

Conner walked home from Smallville High School. He planned to fly away as soon as he was far away from the school. Martha would be happy to know he didn't skip any classes that day. It was an agreement he had made with her when he came to live at the farm. He was to live a normal life and finish high school and he was to help out as Superboy only when he was needed. He didn't completely agree with it, but he didn't seem to have a choice in the matter.

He looked behind him again before taking for the sky. He landed at the farm after making sure that no one would see him, and was greeted by an excited Krypto with a ball in his mouth.

Conner smiled and scratched behind his ears and gave the ball a firm throw. He had been more then happy to see the new, and in his opinion, improved, Krypto.

"So you really are back." A voice said from behind him.

Conner spun around and saw a person in a strange costume. He'd never seen this person before and part of him worried that this was another trick by Luthor.

Krypto was back with the ball, which he promptly dropped, and was now growling at the stranger.

Conner's fingers went up to the buttons of his shirt and stopped. He was going to see what this was about first.

"Who are you?" Conner demanded.

The man hesitated for a moment before saying, "Could we go in your barn first?"

Conner crossed his arms over his chest. "No. I want to know who you are first."

The man stood there not saying anything for the longest moment. Krypto's eyes turned red as the stranger pulled something from his pocket.

Conner readied himself for anything that might happen. He cast a look over his shoulder quickly and saw Martha standing in the doorway.

The man let out a sigh before saying, "it's me Tim."

Conner stood there staring at him unsure of what he just heard. Tim? He sounded like Tim but was he really Tim? He used his x-ray vision and saw through the mask. It was Tim.

Conner relaxed his stance. He led Tim to the barn and attempted to keep Krypto out but didn't have much luck.

"I went to Gotham City looking for you." Conner exclaimed as they sat in the loft.

"I heard."

"So what's up with the munchkin as Robin?" Conner continued not deterred by Tim's answer.

"Dick gave him the role and pretty much kicked me out."

Conner looked at him in surprise. Dick kicked Tim out?

"He doesn't believe me that Batman isn't dead."

"Wait, he's dead?" No one told him anything it seemed.

"No he's not dead!" Tim said getting angry. "He's missing."

"Whoa dude don't get mad at me!" Conner said throwing his hands up. "I've been dead and I'm still learning things."

Tim sighed. "I'm sorry." He said though to Conner he didn't sound sorry. "I left Gotham City and went looking for him."

"That explains the new costume. You look like you ripped off your costume from Dr. Mid-Nite."

"I'm Red Robin now." Tim explained in a tone that Conner wasn't familiar with from his best friend.

"I heard you left the Teen Titans."

"I needed to help with Gotham City."

"Yeah I can't join the Teen Titans because I promised Ma I wouldn't." He trailed off. Was he really talking to his best friend? Something felt wrong about this conversation. He used his x-ray vision and saw that Tim's face showed no emotion.

Conner sat down in the chair and sighed. "What's going on Tim? I come back and everything's changed. You guys are all older. Cassie's in college and doesn't want to be with me anymore. You don't even seem glad to see me."

"Not glad to see you?" Tim asked his voice shaking a little. "Damn it Conner I'm the one who wanted you back more then anything. I lost my dad, Stephanie, you, and Bart all back to back. I tried to clone you for months but couldn't! Raven wouldn't bring you back like she did Jericho, and..."

"You tried to clone me?" Conner asked in shock.

"I wanted to bring back my best friend!" Tim was yelling. "And I failed you."

"You didn't fail Tim." Conner said. "I'm back."

"But you could have been back sooner!"

Conner just stared at him not saying anything.

"I was so sick of seeing everyone I care about dying and not being able to save them. I know Bruce isn't dead and I'm going to find him. No one's going to stop me. Not Dick, not Damian, no one. I don't care if who it is they'll be taken care of."

Conner couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Even if I have to make a deal with Ra's Al Ghul."

Conner stood up. "Dude you just said you didn't care if Dick would try to stop you that you would take care of him. You and Nightwing, or Batman I guess, were closer then anybody. As close as brothers and you would take him out?"

"He doesn't believe me. He gave the role to Damian and let me leave."

"What if I tried to stop you? Would you take me out?"

Tim didn't answer.

Conner stood up. "I don't know you anymore. You are not my best friend. My best friend wouldn't be saying things like this! You would take me out, you would take Dick out, I don't know. You sound like Batman and I don't mean the current one. He would be just as obsessed."

He caught the fist that went flying towards him.

“Don’t,” was all Conner said as he dropped the fist.

Tim didn’t try to take another swipe.

Conner shook his head and walked away with Krypto following right behind him.

Tim didn't stop him.


Notes: Sadly, this is actually not out of character for Tim lately. This is Sara's fault for saying that Conner wouldn't recognize Tim. As for the Cassie/Conner break up thing, it's a feeling I have. Ra's Al Ghul...well that's based on solists for Red Robin.

kryceksangel: tim drake & connor kent, fic

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