Superman for Sale - Smallville Clark/Lex - Complete

May 05, 2009 09:30

I know this is a DCU free for all, but I don't really see a lot of Clex or Smallville fics here.  This fic was a long work in progress, started it almost three years ago, but it's finally done.  It's probably not quite what it sounds like, but give it a try, you might like it.  It probably matches some of bradygirl's challenges here, the bondage and kink challenges probably most notably, so since it's now done I thought I'd post it here.

I know most people who had been reading this thought that hell would freeze over before I finished the story, but thanks to my lovely Beta ctbn60, I got some great suggestions for the finish.  I'm not sure I would have ended it quite the way I did without her input.

Title: Superman for Sale
Author: D.M. Wyatt
Pairing: Clark/Other (implied only in early chapters), Clark/Lex
Rating: Mostly R, eventually NC-17
Warnings: Physical and Emotional TC, graphic descriptions of adult sexual content, BD/SM, future fic, post rift
Spoilers: None
Short summary:  Clark goes missing and Lex wants to find out who took Superman.  He ends up buying Clark from a witch who had put Superman up for Sale and things probably don't quite work out the way he'd originally thought they would.

One | TwoThree | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten |
Eleven A | Eleven B | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen A | Fifteen B


fic, off-topic

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