Fic: Blood and Family 3/3. Everyone. PG-13.

Oct 09, 2008 11:40

Title: Blood and Family 3/3
Author: shananagin
Claim: supporting characters
Characters/Pairing: Ted/Babs, Dick/Babs, Tim/Bernard, Bruce/Selina, hints of Dinah/Helena and Steph/Cass. Pretty much every bat-related character you can think of, plus a few arrows.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4000
Prompt: For dcu_freeforall: 55. Writer's choice, for au_abc: Vampires, for fanfic50: 23. Fight, for wtf27: 24. Slaves.
Summary: Babs is mad at Ted, Tim's worried, Bruce is vengeful, and Cass can kick your ass. Oh, and there's a huge vampire battle.
Author's Notes: YES ANOTHER WIP DONE! This is still dedicated to cissie_king and unrequited_rain for suggesting the idea and wanting me to write random ass AUs respectively. Also, thanks to julius12 for being a kickass beta. This didn't end up going exactly as I expected it to be. For instance, it went from being predominantly a Cass/Steph piece to having practically zero Cass/Steph in it at all. In fact, Ted/Babs was supposed to be a side-pairing! But I'm happy with it. Part of Blood and Family. Follows this part. Also, I almost forgot to post this here. Hence the crosspost long after I've posted it everywhere else.

museofspeed: supporting characters, fic

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